Chapter 3: The Unexpected

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(Tbh I read back the last chapter of my old one and I'm going a completely different way from the actual story but this is me making it better)

Bane's (SparklesMcG) P.O.V:

I snapped back to reality, everything was black, then white, then clear. I was standing by a staircase and it looked like Minecraft. Wait.... this IS Minecraft, I'm on a familiar school map...

"Good, you're back to normal," Uni's voice spoke. I looked forward, I saw Uni~Chan but Uni wasn't doing his normal Uni~Chan voice. I looked at him; confusion was written all over my face.

"Uni...? What in the world is going on...?" I ask him. He sighs.

"Well as you can see... you're Ossana, and I'm Uni~Chan- Igou. We're with as our characters- igou- at the moment. I'm trying to get us all out of here, so we're not stuck in character-Igou- like I was," Uni explained, seeming to have a hard time saying words other than Igou, because he was Uni~Chan.

"Okay... So I keep playing as Ossana?" I ask him. He nods in response.

"I have to talk in my Uni~Chan voice or else I won't be able to get ANY- Igou- point through. The real- Igou- Uni~Chan is- Igou- fighting back. Resisting, almost. As you can- Igou- hear," he spoke with a sigh. As much as seemed to have trouble speaking normal words, he seemed to have even more trouble speaking in his own voice because of how little I heard his actual voice speak, he happened to peak from his higher pitched Uni~Chan tone, to his own. I frowned, feeling bad for him because of the situation he was put in.

"It's okay though!" He assured me, seeing my frown. "I only- Igou- stutter a lot when I'm around- Igou- Jiro- IGOU!- I mean, Cory," he clears his throat at the end of his speaking. That must have been a mouthful. I noticed that when he said Cory's character that he is playing, Uni~Chan herself got louder. I don't think the character Uni~Chan likes Jiro/Cory, it's Uni himself, who is voicing the character, who likes Cory's character because Uni likes Cory, or I should say love.

Make sense?

Yes? No?

(Comment if you understand because that helps. If you don't, I will come rescue you and tell you the plot!)


(Still Bane)

As I got back into my character, I felt my character trying to fight back in a way. I kept randomly putting my hands on my hips in a sassy manner, which isn't what I myself does. I'd have to let it slide; for now, I had a mission to deal with and I cannot let it fail. Uni had told me to meet Cory when he was Jiro, mainly to apologize as Ossana. I'd have to keep the character herself quiet, and while talking to Jiro, keep my words to sound like a Tsundere.

"Hey, Ossana~Chan!" I heard a familiar voice which made my heart beat faster. Which I didn't understand as to why. When I turned around, I quickly then understood why my heart- no, Ossana's heart began to beat faster; the voice belonged to Taro or, Senpai. I sighed, upset I would be having to be a jerky Tsundere.

"Go away, Taro~Kun," I snapped in the highest voice I could do.

"Oh, Sorry," Taro replied with a sigh. I couldn't handle it. Being mean is not on the list of things I wanted to do ever. So I did something the regular Ossana would never do....

"Wait! I'm sorry,"

Taro's P.O.V:

I paused in my tracks. Did I just hear what I think I heard...? From Ossana?!?! I slowly turn around.

"Good, you didn't leave. Look, Nick I'm sorry, I know we both hate being mean to each other," I heard someone's voice say. It came out of Ossana's mouth but... I dont recognize that voice as Ossana's. Wait... what did she call me...? Nick? All of a sudden, I couldn't see. It was all black and I could no longer see Ossana in front of me. What is happening to me?

(Guess who's P.O.V :3)

My eyes flashed white, then black, and then I saw normally. I was on the floor. Could I have blacked out? Wait.... why is it.... is this Minecraft? I look up. I see a girl, who had one of Uni's custom skins. Who.... Who is that?  She looks oddly familiar.... is that... Ossana? But her voice is Bane's.... Oh I get it now! She's out of character.

"Uh... Bane? What's happening?" I ask hesitantly, whilst getting up from off of the floor.

"You were stuck in your character. Everyone is. The last person we're going to go for is Jiro, or Cory," She explained with a smile. I saw her almost cross her arms but she slapped her own hands away.

"Baka!- Sorry. Once we get changed back we got small traits of our characters while we're trying to be ourselves. Uni keeps saying Igou," She continued with a chuckle. I smiled. At least we're doing our best to have a good time.

"Who should we go for next?" I asked her, thinking about who we probably had with us.

"I don't know. But I do know for a fact that the rivals are their own character. So all the people that don't record the themed murder videos are safe," Bane continued. I could sometimes hear her voice going to a higher range then it normally is, it could be Ossana.

"So.... how do we get out of here once we have everyone?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"You'll have to ask Uni once we get to him," Bane replied.

"Shall we get going then?" I asked her. She nodded. Then a bell rang.

"Oh yeah! I forgot! We have to still stay in character, which means we still have classes to do tomorrow. Schools out by the way," She said with a chuckle. We both walked down the stairs. We saw Uni, or Uni~Chan talking to Kokona. Then she passed out. We're getting Maddy back.

~To be Continued~

I don't have much to say about this chapter... but if it's getting confusing for you, ask me any questions, either on my message board or just private message me! Anyway, goodbye and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I worked really hard on it! G'bye!

~Sasha 💖

Academi High- NewScapeCrew Yandere Rivals AU {REMAKE} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now