Authors Note:

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Wow, didn't think I was gonna write one of theese...ever. Ha...

Anyway, I'm sort of depressed right now...yea, sad right? Ha. I guess, when you get broken up with and then the next day see the person already saying "I love you" to someone else, really hurts...ah.

I'm not to good with emotions or connecting with people...T...that's why I write story'sBecause it gives me a chance to communicate to people in a way that isn't...well to forward. I'm comfortable being the person behind the screen. *sigh* I have no idea why I'm doing this...perhaps I'm hoping this person will notice and talk to me? I'm not sure...haha...uh so yeah, if chapters start having mildly depressing attributes, eh well...I apologize.

I'm not use to dealing with emotions, quite frankly I wasn't even sure I had emotions until now.

When I got sent away from my parents to live with my grandparents, I didn't cry, I didn't mind the fact that my parents were in a different country...I still don't care that I have siblings who don't even know me...

I usually don't care if people hurt me, I don't care what people say...I honestly just feel like a robot that needs re-programing.


God what am I doing? Sad right? Ha.

I might aswell be a physcopath myself...

I...I should really stop at that. If I go into other details of me feeling kind well ya know, I might actually get in

If you read up to this point, I know it sounds dumb, but thank you for uh taking the time to read this...and uh...If the person I was talking about reads this...well uh.. Thanks for teaching me a few new emotions...

Sadness, rage, anger...I'm just kind of sad, because for a while I thought you had taught me happieness...ha...guess I was wrong...

A new chapter will be out soon...yeah...

Author out.

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