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Changsub's pov

I prayed that I'm not the last one who came this morning. But, when I arrived there, I just speechless.

"Yaa, you two arrive on the same time", Sungjae said and pointed toward me then to Teaha who also shocked in front of us.

" Like seriously? Are you two planning to wear something same? " Ilhoon stood and looked both of us.

Same?I immediately looked to Teaha. We were wearing blue hoodie with black jeans. Just like a couple.

" No way. I can't believe this", Minhyuk covered his mouth with both of his hands.

" So today we gonna have a breakfast feast guys", Sungjae shouted and ran around us happily.

" Let's go", said Eunkwang and walked out with a wide smile. The rest followed happily. Except Teaha and me. We stand still and can't believe ourselves .

I looked at her and slowly dragged her out.

'Why must today?  Why must me? Why?' I cried mentally.

* * *
Teaha's pov

I ran quickly when I arrived the lobby.

' Not again please. I can't treat them twice ' I prayed.

But,yeah. It's too late for me. Changsub and I arrived on the same time. Unbelievable. But when Ilhoon said both of us planned to wear the same style, I can't believed my eyes. Blue hoodie and black jeans? Like seriously?

Coincidence or fate? I don't know. The only things I can't accept right now that I need to pay for their breakfast. TWICE!

Changsub slowly took my hand and walked weakly out.

" Yaa why did you wear this? " he asked

" I don't know. My instinct told me to wear this and tadaa! Same with you", I replied. He nodded and chuckled.

" I wonder what will Ha Ra react when she see us", he said

" Ha Ra? Ahh that's right. Where is she? " I looked around to find her.

" Hyunsik and Ha Ra will join us later. Maybe a little bit late", he said.

We arrived a cafe nearby. Changsub opened the door for me make the others whistled crazily.

I blushed a lot. It was a long time I didn't feel like this.

' Ahh my heart, stop beating this fast' I said to myself.

* * *
Hyunsik's pov

Ha Ra and I walked together to the cafe. I told them that I was going to bring Ha Ra with me so I'm gonna be late.

" Honey, did your friends send you the location? " she asked.

"Yes. Don't worry. We almost there", I said and pulled her closer to me.

When we entered the cafe, Peniel waved his hand to me so I just went straight there.

" Sorry we're late", I said and sat with them after pulled a chair for Ha Ra besides me.

"Aww, another morning drama", Sungjae said and blinked his eyes with his cute face.

" Its okay, we already order your breakfast. If you want to change it we can ask Changsub to cancel the early one", said Eunkwang

" No, we can eat anything. Where is him? " I asked

" Is that them? ", asked Ha Ra and pointed toward the counter.

Changsub and Teaha were waiting for the order. They talked each other and sometimes Teaha laughed a lot. She looks happy with him.

" Did they have a couple hoodies? So sweet", Ha Ra said.

Then I realized it. Changsub and Teaha wore the same style and colour. Honestly they looks so sweet together.

" We don't know either. Both of them were late today so they will treat all of us for breakfast" , said Ilhoon while played with his phone.

A few minutes later, they came with two full tray of food. Teaha sat in front of me while Changsub in front of Ha Ra.

" Both of you looks so cute", said Ha Ra.

" Ahh, thanks", Changsub replied and pretending tucked hair behind his ear.

" Stop it. You ruin my mood and appetite" Teaha said made everyone laughed. She smile and patted Changsub's shoulder when he make his sad face.

' Yes. She deserve to be happy after what I have done to her. It's been a long time not seeing her this happy', I thought.

I looked at Ha Ra besides me. She smiled sweetly.

' Both of these girls made my heart flutter on different time. Kim Teaha was my past. Go Ha Ra will be my future and forever', I took a deep breathe and continued eating.

" Yaa are you 3 years old girl? Aishh this girl", said Changsub and wiped Teaha's cheek with his finger.

" Thank you ", she said. Her face turned red.

" Stop being cute little kid", he replied and pinched her cheek.

" Yaa I'm not a kid anymore . So you should stop it", she hit Changsub's arm and on the same time he shouted in pain.

While everybody laughed to him, suddenly Eunkwang aksed,

" Changsub-ah.. Are you...? "...

a/n: Finally another chapter here!!  Thank you for waiting and I hope you guys enjoy reading it :)
Don't forget to vote, comment for this fanfic. I'll improve my writing skill. Thank you for your advice.
See you on the next chapter!

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