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Lee Changsub's pov

I arrived home after 20 minutes walked from the bus stop. It was tiring me. But when I tried to open the door, I realized it was locked.

'Please God I need to rest right now. Don't tell me that they were not home' I prayed

I turned on my hand phone and called my mom.

" Omma, where are you? Why nobody at home? " I asked

" Aigoo Changsub-ah, we are going to your grandma's house. Her neighbour told me that she has a fever since this morning. Do you mind to stay at Hyunsik's place for a several night? I forget to left the keys", she said.

" It's okay. I'll look for cheap hotel. Bye omma", I ended the conversation. And walked to the town.

Suddenly I saw a familiar figure. Walked towards a cafe. Feeling curious, I followed until we entered a cafe.

" You're Kim Teaha.. ", I said.

" You?", she asked.

" What are you doing here? ", I asked her back and sat in front of her.

"Yaa, that's my question. I'm the one who should ask that to you", she said and chuckled.

" My parents was on their way to my grandma's house. And the good news is they forget that thay still have a child here", I said and she laughed.

To be honest, she was so beautiful with that smile and her laugh was cute. This was my first time seeing her like this. Her smile and laugh before were fake and seems awkward. She doesn't talked much too.

" So what's your plan? " she asked

" I'll look for a cheap hotel maybe", I said.

"Wanna have a night walk with me? ", I was surprised to hear her request but I smiled and nodded.

* * *
Kim Teaha's pov

I slapped myself mentally. Damn what was that? Did I just asked him to take a walk with me?

'Yaa Kim Teaha, are you crazy? ' I though. But he nodded and ready to go. So I grabbed all my stuff and went out from the cafe.

" Are you okay? ", he asked when we were on the way to the nearest playground.

"yeah, why? "

" Nothing. I'm just curious ", he said.

" About what? ", I glanced him a second.

" You're different. I mean we spend our time together today and you seems awkward and didn't talk much. And your smile obviously forced rather than tonight, your laugh and smile come from your heart", he sat on a bench when we arrived the playground.

I smiled. Half of myself really really wanted to tell him the truth but I don't know if he could be trusted. Lee Changsub was Hyunsik's friend. I mean best friend!

" Don't worry. I won't tell anyone" he said. He just like could read what did my mind said.

I don't know why but I trusted him. No doubt.

" I'm Hyunsik's ex girlfriend", I said.

He seems shocked. A lot.

"You? But.. I know about his ex but it's you? Really really you? "

Now my turn being shocked by his words. He knows? Really?

"You know? About me? How did you know? " I asked.

A few second later both of us laughed. Both of us didn't have any idea about this.

" I'm sorry but you look different than what he describe about you to me. I means you hair and your appearance ", he said

" Ohh, I've cut my hair and decided to stop wearing something that will remind me with our past", I replied.

"Okay but now I didn't know how to start", he said and laughed. Maybe he still in the shock mode.

" Okay let me start first", I said and he nodded.

" He was the first guy that I trust after my dad. We spend almost every time together so then we fall in love each other. Everything was just fine until one day he changed. He refuse to meet me, ignoring my call, didn't reply my text and I was thinking a lot what did I do that makes him like that.

A few days later, he asked me to meet him. I was so happy but for a while until he said he didn't like me anymore. And a few days after that day, he moved from Seoul to here ", I told him the short version.

"So do you want to know what did he told me? ", he asked. I'm just nodded slow.

" He said he need to moved here because of his father's business here was in trouble. He didn't want to move but he did not have any choice.

He said he met Minhyuk to ask him what to do. He did not want to see you cry and keep missing him. So he make you hate him by saying those things. But in the same time he was hurt so much with his words toward you.

When he moved here he cried everyday when he think about you. He lived full of regrets but... Yeah... it's too late. So I suggested him to built a new life here and find someone else even she never can replace you in his heart.

Yesterday he came to me and said he could feel his instinct told him that you're here. I didn't know love could be that ridiculous. But it's true. You already meet him today", he said and chuckled.

I can't held myself to cried a lot. He actually did it for me. He didn't wanted me to keep missing him and waiting him back. I was wrong for thinking bad about him. I shocked when Lee Changsub wiped away my tears by his finger. His touch was so soft.

He smiled, giving some strength to me but somehow I just relieved to see his smile.

" You need to keep strong and move on. I know you can. While you were here how about go and find a new boyfriend so you can slowly let him go", he said

" How about you, love doctor? " I asked and giggled.

" Me? I didn't believe in love. That was fairytale. " he replied.

" But how can you talk about love when you didn't believe it? " I raised my left eyebrow.

" I don't know. Maybe its my talent", he winked and we laughed a lot.

I've promise to myself to be strong and move on. I know I'm not alone because I have a lot of people around me that will help me with it.

* * *
Lee Changsub's pov

I'm just happy to see her smile and heard her laugh. She was beautiful with it. No wonder Hyunsik can't forget her.

My heart was beating so fast when she smiled to me. When she asked about love and having a girlfriend, I said I didn't believe in love. Well actually when every person asked me about love I'll reply it with the same answer without doubt. But when I replied her with the same answer, I didn't know why half of myself begged her for not believe my words.

I don't know why.

Perhaps it was........

a/n: Sorry for the late update guys.. I was very very busy. Hope you guys like this chapter and keep reading until the last chapter. I'm trying to make this story faster but idk my brain can't cooperate with me well. Keep voting and comment my story if you want me to improve anything!
Thank you for supporting me!
Xoxo :)

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