Impractical Jokers: Goodbyes and Hellos

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--------NARRATOR'S POV-------

Murr and Barbara rushed to the hospital to see Sal. They entered his room.
"Is he ok?" asked Murr
"Yea he just broke his hand." said Joe
"Ah shit Danielle! I was supposed to go there at 5! Now what?" said Sal
"Just tell her you broke your hand and that you will come over tomorrow." said Murr
"What even happened?" asked Q looking at Barbara
"I will explain everything as soon as we get home." said Barbara
"Why can't you tell us now?" asked Murr
"Because she's afraid that.." Sal stopped talking
"Afraid that what?" asked Murr
"Nothing you'll find out later, when can I go home?" said Sal
"Right now." said the nurse walking in
"Great lets go."
"Just fill this out and then you may leave."

Joe filled it out and we got into the car and left. Everyone was silent until we got home.

----------MURR'S POV------

I was so afraid that Sal might've hit Barbara. She has a black eye now and her mouth was bleeding.

"Alright everyone sit." said Joe. We all did what he said.
"Barbara now tell us what happened."
"Okay. Well after we got back from the appointment to see if I'm pregnant. The nurse told me something..."
"Did you lose the baby?" I asked concerned.
"More like never had it." whispered Sal
"What?" asked Q
"Well.. I know you are going to hate me right now but... I..I lied. I'm not pregnant, I took the pregnancy test and it was negative, we went to the doctor and she told me I wasn't pregnant and I lied to you James. All of you. I'm not pregnant and I'm sorry but I just didn't want to lose you guys because now you can easily leave me Murr and I love you."
I was speechless
"You lied. I can't believe this." I said disappointed that I wasn't going to be a father.
"But how did Sal break his hand and you get that black eye." asked Brian
"Well after we came back, my friend called and I told her the actual truth and Sal overheard and he punched me."
"You punched her!?" said Joe
"Yea I was pissed that she lied to us."
"You asshole! That's abuse! You don't punch a fucking girl no matter what! Look you broke your hand now and she has a black eye." I said angrily
"So? She lied to you! Everyone! You aren't going to be a Dad! She used you!" said Sal, the words hit me hard.
"Guys calm down. It's fine ok." said Joe
"No it's not. I think I should go back to my parents house." said Barbara
"Yeah honestly that would be better." I said. She went to her room
"Well this was shocking." said Q
"Yeah. I'm going to go lay down. Too much for today ugh." I went upstairs and layed down.

------------SAL'S POV---------

My hand hurt but I was glad Barbara couldn't hurt us anymore.
"Ah shit I need to call Dani." I got out my phone and dialed her number.
"Hello?" she answered
"Hi. Sorry about not coming but I broke my hand." I said
"Sure you did Sal. If you didn't want to see me, you could've just said so instead of making up lies!"
"I'm not kidding. I punched Barbara because she lied to us, she's not even fucking pregnant!"
"You hit a girl?"
"Yes but she deserved it."
"Sal! You can't do that!"
"I'm sorry, but I'll see you tomorrow? Around 2?"
"Yea that's fine I guess. See ya bye."
I hung up and layed down on the couch.
"Sal? Q and I are gonna go to the mall but we'll we back very soon. Don't do anything stupid ok." said Joe
"Yeah yeah."

---------DANIELLE'S POV------

I couldn't believe Sal got himself into trouble. I looked at the table which I set up with food and candles and a nice table cloth. I did this for him because I loved him and now he canceled. I'm so upset. I actually cleaned up the place and now what am I supposed to do with the food? I'm not even hungry. I grabbed the plates and moved the food into a container and stored it in the fridge. It won't hurt if we eat it tomorrow. I was tired of this. I layed down and took a nap.

---------NARRATOR'S POV--------

It was the next day and Barbara was already packed. Sal was waking up and Murr was in the kitchen. It was awkward now between them. Joe and Q returned yesterday but Q was drunk, turns out he saw Emily there and he kissed her. He was still sleeping and so was Joe.

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