"Come on guys you're ruining the fun" Liam pouted

"Like you're guys gonna date each other, I'm the only female here"

"One spin only, Who ever it is they gotta go on a date"

"Are you serious?" Niall said

"Sure, Let's do it"  Louis said and I was looking at them in shock

There's no way it's gonna be me so I have to relax

I opened the bag and looked at an underswear and a short shirt "Really?" I sighed

"What is it?" Harry said

"One of you guys should give me one of your shirts, John brought some clothes that are unwearable" Is that even a word

"Okay." Harry held my hand and lead me to a room was near the bathroom

He opened a bag and started taking clothes out, I watched there in silence

"Harry.." I said

"Hm?" He hmmed as he looked at me

I stared at him forgot what I was saying 

"If you don't have one it's okay I will take from the lads"

He turned his head and kept looking 

"Oh this would look perfect" He said as he pulled a black shirt with its sleeves raised up

"Just like the one you're...Wearing, Perfect" I giggled

Harry stared at me without saying anything

"urm, I'd better..." I said as he cut me off "Someone's in the bathroom-" He raised his eyebrows with a smirk

"-And i'm not going out" He continued

"Okay?..uh, Turn around" I said

"I don't mind getting flashed" Harry smirked

I stared at him..

"That's dirty come on , Harry they'll think something happened" I sighed

"I won the race and I can ask for anything I want" Harry laughed 

I looked at him with my eyes wide opened

"Sure, Let's make it quick" I said as I took off my shirt and wore the black one

"Oh, baby" Harry groaned

"Shush!" I said as I got out of the room quickly

"What's taking you so long" Louis smirked as Harry walked behind me and pinched my butt

"Is anyone hungry?" I said nervously, The hell did he just do

"No it's time for Truth or Date" Liam said 

We sat down on the floor in curcle with Liam's iPhone in the middle opened an App that has a bottle we're supposed to spin

"Spin it mate" Niall laughed as Liam swipped the screen and the bottle span 

"Harry and Zayn" Louis screamed 

"Zarry was always my favorite" I giggled 

"Come on man, I'm engaged" Zayn pouted

"This game is unfair" Niall sighed

"Some one gotta go on a date with Cher." Zayn said

"Let's spin again then" Liam said as he span the bottle again

"NIALL AND CHER" Louis screamed again as I felt my cheeks burn

I looked at Harry and he seemed upset, Angry and scary

"She has a crush on you, Mate" Harry said as he hugged Niall

"No-uh, Not true" I said as I shook my head

"True!" Harry said

"NOT TRUE" I yelled as I hugged Harry

"Harry stop it please I'll do anything just stop it" I whispered to him

"What if you two date?" Niall said

"Nahhh" I said

"Why not?" Harry said 

"We'll make dinner and it will look like a date" Niall said

They like making things more awkward for me 

I sighed

"Seems like a great idea, Leave the lovers alone guys. It's time to work" Louis said as they stood up

I looked away and sighed again as I sat on the bed

The boys went to the kitchen to cook and left me and Harry alone

"You really don't like me don't you" Harry said as he placed his hand on my thigh

"It's not like that, I told you things are awkward between us" I sighed

"We dated when we were teenagers, Now we're adults and we're still in love with each others, Don't tell me otherwise love" Harry squeezed my thigh

"Uh.." That's all what I said because I didn't know what else to say..

"If you could only give me a chance..-" Harry sighed 

"-I can change your world" He continued



SO GUYS, My connection has been gone because there's like a war in my country so the goverment decided to turn off the internet, Stupid fucks

Do you think this chapter was cheesy? Why do I feel it's cheesy

anyway enjoy ily

We Were Meant To Be (Cher Lloyd and Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now