Chapter 23

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Cher's POV :

"Can you not.." I giggled to stop him from talking

"I'm going to help the boys" Harry breathed out his nose, That's what he does when he gets angry

He stood up and left me alone in the room

"Uh, Rude!" I said

I walked around the room and one of the boys seems to forgot his phone next to the TV

I looked around thinking if I should check Twitter..I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone quickly

I unlocked the phone quickly and went through Twitter..Seems to be Louis' phone

I searched Cher Lloyd on Twitter And my account was on the top of the page, I scrolled down a little bit with my thumb as I saw a few pictures of me and Harry tonight, In the shop, Car & Entering the Hotel

I pressed my thumb softly to see if anything trending about it


"Harry and Cher"

I bit a little bit of skin inside my lips thinking what's gonna happen next, I scrolled down some fans Tweets

"Raise your hand up young lady" A voice came behind me

I threw the phone on the table quickly and closed my eyes and turned around

Open my eyes to see Louis

"Awkward.." I mumbled

"I'm sorry Louis, I just wanted to check on my Twitter..I didn't go through anything personal" I started talking fast

"It's okay" Louis softly smiled and grabbed his phone from the table

"Let's see, Oh! Charry?.. Cher there are some pictures of you and Harry over here" Louis gasped

"This is horrible" I shaked my head

"Some fans are gonna send you some hate and once they get to know you, They will love you" Louis grabbed my arm and leaded me to sit on the bed

"We're just friends, Lou" I said

Harry's POV :

"We're just friends, Lou" I heard Cher says as I was standing next to the door

"You might not have feelings for him, But he does" Louis answered her

"The boys burned the food" I entered the room

"Oh call them, Leave the food we don't wanna burn to death" Cher sighed

I went to call the boys

"Let's go boys!" I yelled

"The idea sucked anyways" Zayn complained

"Haha bro, You missed Liam's face when the food started burning, It was priceless" Niall laughed

I hugged Niall and said "Let's go babe" As it's our date, Not me and Cher

"I'll make it up to you" Niall said dramaticlly

"Oh, Having you by my said is all I ever wanted" I tried to act serious but I failed and we both started laughing

We spent the night talking and watching movies, Zayn and Liam were cuddling but there were weird looks between Louis and Cher

"I'm tired" Cher said after endless hours of watching movies

"Oh me too.." I smiled

Zayn and Liam were already sleeping on the bed so we had sleep on the floor

We layed down with our pillows and covers and we fell asleep

In the morning I woke up by a phone call

I rubbed my eyes as there was some sleeping person hugging me

I set my phone on silent and I looked down at the beautiful blondy and I pushed...Niall away..It was Niall who's hugging me

I layed down my head and fell asleep again

Hours later someone's phone was ringing and I groaned of how tired I was and how a minute of sleeping would mean so much for me I opened my eyes and Louis was already awake

"Good morning" Louis smiled with a low voice, Afraid to wake them up

"Good morning" I said

I rubbed my eyes as louis pointed down at me, I moved my head down and I saw Cher was sleeping on my chest

"Smile, Mate" Louis said as he grabbed his phone to take a photo

I smiled with a peace sign on my fingers

"Haha no feelings she said" I smirked as I moved her head carefully on the pillow next to me trying not to wake her up

"Whom's phone was ringing?" I questioned Louis

"Hers". He said

"Maybe it's her manager" He completed

"She's on a break" I said and grabbed her phone

"Sam? Who's sam?" I whispered to myself ..

We Were Meant To Be (Cher Lloyd and Harry Styles FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora