Chapter 20

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Harry's POV :

"Come here." I said as I held Cher's hand and pulled her to sit..

"Bring it on." Cher sighed.

"Do you hate me?" I looked down hoping her answer will be a 'no'

"I forgot you, How can I hate someone I don't know?" And her answer was harmer than a simple 'no'

"You and I both know you didn't forget me." I said

"But you did." Cher said quickly

I didn't forget Cher, I was just too busy and I didn't even have time for my own self, And all those Girlfriends..They are fake, Just to show people that I have a love life..While my heart is still taken

"So why don't we start a new clear page?" I asked again hoping an answer would be a 'yes' for this time

"Does it seem so easy to you? How?" Cher questioned me

"We can start it all over again, Friends?" I said

Friends? That's not what I wanted, I wanted Cher to be in my arms right here right now

"And how do you think it will make us look in front of Taylor?" She shaked her head

"Friends." I replied with one word, One word that could bring my happiness back, One word that could make her mine even if it's hard, But Cher is worth a try.

"Sure." She smiled a little bit at me and I can see that she is a little bit dissapionted 

"I'm hungry, Wanna go out?" I said 

Cher stared at me for minutes, Like she was studying or analyzing me.

She got up and took her phone. "Let's go." She smirked

We walked down the hotel to get into my car, I ran in front of her to open the car door for her 

"Thank you." She mumbled, Shy.

I got into the car and I started driving along the road with good music on while Cher kept looking at the window for some reason.

After minutes of silence she finally spoke in a low tune

"Where are we going?" 

"Not far away." I said 

Few minutes of driving I stopped the car by a hotel

"I thought you said you were hungry." She mumbled 

"I forgot something in my room, I wouldn't mind some company to bring it."

She looked at me and pouted her lips, As she was thinking in something

"As long as it won't take so long" She said 

We walked into the hotel and I held her arm leading her into directiones and how her arm was tiny I grabbed her with my hand and she looked shocked at me 

"Hello Mr. Styles. You haven't bring any girls in here, Who's the lucky lady"" The guy at the elevator said 

"Hello Johnny, This is Cher, She is an old..Friend" I smiled as Cher and Johnny shaked hands.

"Is the boys in the rooms?" I whispered into Johnny's ear which made Cher look at me confused 

"Yes, Mr. Styles" Johnny said.

We finally got into our flat and my hand is stay still on Cher's arm leading her to the room me and the boys chill in. Cher had no idea what was going on she didn't know she's gonna meet the boys again after a long time

I opened the door when Cher noticed the boys sitting down talking, Laughing, Watching TV.

"Hi lads" I said with a smirk on my face

"Cher!" Niall almost screamed of happiness 

"Oh my god, Hi cher how are you it is so good to see you again." Liam said with his fast accent 

"Cherry boo" Louis screamed loud that my ears started ringing 

"Cher." Zayn nodded his head with a smirk.

I was happy, I looked at Cher and she was shocked 

"Surprise" I giggled.

Cher's POV : 

"Surprise" Harry said as he giggled

I looked at all of the boys with a shocked face, It has been forever. The last time I saw them was in two years maybe, All of them looked stunning and they grew up and changed.

Since my relationship with Niall was the strongest I ran to him and Hugged him hard

"Niall, Uh how much I miss you." I said with a shy voice

"Group hug!" Harry Screamed as he run to me and wrap his arms around me and the other boys followed him

My eyes got a little bit teary thinking of how many things changed in this time

Louis noticed that I was about to cry so he started screaming and the boys started singing loud, I laughed my ass off..I was really happy

I looked at Harry and he was Standing leaning on the wall and looking at me 

"Thank you" I mouthed 

"No need, Friend" He said with a smile at his face

The friend word kind of breaks me, Because..We all know I still have feelings for him.

We Were Meant To Be (Cher Lloyd and Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now