Chapter 6

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Harry's POV :

I felt really bad cause I insulted my bestfriend, Cher..But I guess she won't be mad at me, I mean the girl who I loved cheated on me with my bestfriend..It's been two weeks that I haven't seen Cher or even talk to her..I think this time is enough, That little heart can't take it anymore

I was still pissed, That jerk Joe needs to learn a lesson, I'm so going to kick his butt..I need to dress up fastly 

I wore simple clothes with my lucky shoes, I need luck it's about to lose my bestfriend or not

"Hey man, You got free time?" I tried really hard to look calm 

"Hey bro! Where have you been seriously I thought you were dead..Uh sure come to my house" Joe said, I felt that jerk really missed me, Nah he's just pretending

"No i got sick of homes, Anywhere else?"

"Well, Starbucks?" He said

"Starbucks it is, See ya there" I said while I took my wallet and went to the Cafe

Cher's POV : 

Next day I woke up, Nothing new..Harry is missing, Megan lost an another day..And i'm..I don't know, I think I'm going to Starbucks again" 

Okay Cher you don't have to look pretty you're all alone. I said to myself

I'm not even trying to catch someone's eyes..

I arrived and I sat at the same place that I met Megan 

Uh I need a warm drink, I ordered a drink and I started thinking again..About everything. 

Wait..That guy looks like Harry! my god! Harry! No Cher stay calm he still hates you and you should act mad cause he insulted you..I'm sure he will say hi first 

Harry's POV : 

I arrived, It was all quite, Hey is that Cher..Ignore! She's mad i'm pretty sure, Just act like you didn't see her. 

I waited for time and I tried not to look at Cher, I miss her. 

Oh Joe is finally here, Stay Calm 

"Hey man!"

"Hey dude, What's up?" I said to Joe

"Isn't that the ball girl, Wait is that a double date? Hey Cher, Sorry for your head" Joe shouted to Cher

Oh god no Joe just sit down, oh no she's looking at us now..She ignored Joe, She's looking at me..We had a short eye contact.

I can tell Cher had an upset look in her eyes

"Why didn't you say hi?" Joe said punching my arm

"I already did, Long time ago" That was a lie, It's okay just do what you have to do and leave. I said to myself

"So, Why did you decide to call me?" Joe said while smirking 

I was burning, I really was. I can't handle that man anymore..I pulled Joe and I said 

"How can you just act normal when you know you're the guy who fucked my girlfriend?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Don't act innocent, Joe!" I yelled

"I have no idea what you're talking about just take back your hand and we'll talk"

"I said don't fucking act innocent!" I punched him in the face, That's not good, At all.

Punching my bestfriend for a girl, Again? I need help..

Cher's POV :

Harry ignored me, Just smile Cher you will have a lot of time to cry at your room alone, Not here. Not infront of Harry..Stay calm.

What? I should have know this will happen! Harry was acting calm..They will fight I need to stop this

Harry's POV :

While I was punching Joe and people were freaked cause I looked like a crazy teenager, Yeah crazy.

Then I heard something 

"Harry Megan didn't! She didn't cheat on you with Joe, Let him go!"

Cher? How does Cher knows about this?

I turned around "And how did you know?"

"Harry i'm your bestfriend you should've told me about it, We share everything..Remember? Even problems! Believe me Harry..Megan did not cheat on you"

Cher said, I can feel her hurting..Oh no she's crying 

"Harry please stop it, Just please..Believe in me once why can't you?" She said crying hard trying to talk while trying to catch her breath

Stop crying Cher stop I can't help you right now

"Do you swear by our friendship?" I let go of Joe and I got closer to Cher

"I swear by everything I own." Cher said while wiping her tears 

"Harry I know this is hard, I know I can't help but you just gave up on everything"

"I need no bullshit now Cher" I pushed Cher out of my way and I left the Cafe running

Cher's POV : 

I knew I should just shut up and not say anything, He insulted me infront people now, Again..That's really hard

I went to Joe to check if he's okay

"Joe are you okay?" I said 

"Do I look fucking okay? What the fuck is wrong with him? You Go fuck yourself you dirty slut stop selling yourself cheaply, Wake up Cher he's using you are you too dumb that you can't find it out?!"

"You jerk don't tell me that! Fucking close your mouth that's my bestfriend you're talking about! You idiot you wouldn't even care if he died!" I got really mad, I'm burning inside

"You cheap bitch, Shut up you don't even know what you're talking about!"

I can't take it anymore, This got too far

I slapped him once "That's for Harry!" then I dropped a cup of a hot coffee on his jeans "And that's..That's for me! Hurting you much? You should fucking keep your mouth closed, Learn how to talk and respect people!"

It's been a very hard day and now I won't stop thinking about what happened on the whole day.

We Were Meant To Be (Cher Lloyd and Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now