Chapter 10

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Cher's POV : 

Ew what's that smell, Is something on fire?

What the hell it's 7am..No seriously what's that smell like something burning.

I better get up to check it.

I got up and checked the house..There was nothing

Wait the smell is coming from outside..Where's Harry

"Harry?" I got into my room to check my balcony

"Harry what the hell are you doing? are you, What? Since when you smoke that shit?"

"Is this how you say good morning?" 

oh god, He's being cold to me again

"Just shut up and throw that thing away!"

I tried to pull it from Harry but he didn't let me

"You shut up and go back to sleep"

"what? No! what if my parents' think that I smoke?! Harry give me this!" I tried to get closer but he put his cigarette between his lips and he pushed me to my room.

"Do whatever you want you, I'll be back when I finish this" 

What the hell why would he do that..That was, just..So mean, Whatever.

Fuck it i'm going out..I text Demi

"Hey babe can I come over? x"

I went to change my outfits and Demi repleid my message back

"The hell? It's 7am, Is something wrong? Of course you can come"

I took my phone and I left a note for my parents to let them know..

I took my  bike and I went to Demi's house, It wasn't that far 

Woh, Demi was waiting for me outside


"Heyy! You freaked me out is everything okay?"

"Yea, Just a simple fight with Harry"

"Harry? In the morning? Girl where you two-"

"No we weren't! he needed a place to sleep over an-..You know what let's get inside i will tell you everything"

I got into Demi's room and I told her everything since the Megan fight, I told her Harry was changing because Megan passed away..Everything

"Wow, Harry is being mean..Are you saying he insulted you once when no one is around and then he insulted you in a cafe and then Joe called you a bitch and now he pushed you?"

I nodded my head "Yeah, But yesterday-"

"No yesterday sweetheart, Harry is going out of control..Who knows maybe he'll start to drink and stuff I mean yesterday he got kicked to death and you don't know since when he started smoking"

"You're right, Any Ideas to get the old Harry?"

"Nope, not a single idea"

"I think" I said but wow she didn't let me finish what I was saying 

"Yes! I think too! If you get closer to Harry and you listen to him without problems and you make him feel the way he felt for Megan, I think he'll get better"

"Wait..Hello?" I pulled the phone

"Where the hell are you?"

"I'm out what do you want?"


"Why would I tell you?"

"Why did you leave me in your room and leave?"

We Were Meant To Be (Cher Lloyd and Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now