[16] It wasn't a nightmare.

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CHAPTER 16- It wasn't a nightmare. 

Demi's POV 

           "NO! DON'T TOUCH ME! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" My eyes flew open and before I could even process it, I was sprinting into Charlie's room. She was screaming and writhing on the sheets, the sounds making my heart ache. "Charlie! Wake up!" I said, finding tears coming to my eyes as I shook her. Finally, she sat up, immediately burying her face into her arms and sobbing. "Shhh, it's okay babe." I cooed, pulling her down into my embrace where she nuzzled her head into my chest, soaking my front with tears. "Shh Charlie, you're safe. It was just a dream babygirl." Charlie shook her head, and moaned. "No it wasn't a dream." My brow furrowed, "What?" She wiped her eyes, finally calming down. "A memory isn't a dream. It wasn't a nightmare, it happened." I stroked her cheek lightly, "What happened? Charlie?" Instantly her body froze up, "I can't tell you." Frustration grew in me as the maternal instinct to kill whoever hurt my baby battled with the control of being patient and keeping her safe. "Babygirl you can tell me anything." Charlie's tense body didn't relax, "No I can't Demi, it was nothing. Sorry I woke you up, I shouldn't have said anything." Now, my concern was growing. "You can tell me anything Charlie, I promise." She pushed her face back into my chest, "Can you just sleep with me mommy?" My arm instinctively went around her and I sighed, this girl really knows how to get what she wants. "Alright babygirl, goodnight. I love you." 

Charlie's POV 

            I woke up wrapped in Demi's arms, her breath tickling my neck as she slept.Trying to disturb her as little as possible, I pulled away only to be quickly snatched back into her embrace. "Don't go." sighing, I settled my head into her neck as she yawned. "Goodmorning." My smile was anxious, "Goodmorning." Demi cocked an eyebrow, "So, we gonna talk about last night?" immediately, my body stiffened, "Nope." She rubbed circles into my back, trying to ease the tension. "Babygirl you can tell me. I can help you." I sighed, "I just can't. It was nothing. I'm over it." Demi lifted my chin with her fingers, searching my face with worried eyes, "No, it's obviously still bothering you, don't shut yourself off babe, I can help you." I snorted, "No one can help me. No one understands, not even you. I can barely wrap my head around it. So I would appreciate it of you would just fuck off." With that, I got off of the bed and stalked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. 

No one can help me. Right?


A little short, but what do you guys think happened to Charlie? 

Comment your thoughts! 

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