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i feel like you wouldn't like me if you met me

- tegan and sara, you wouldn't like me


I rip the sheets off my bed in search of my phone.

"You didn't leave it at the arena, did you?" Elizabeth questions me. I shake my head in response. I remember texting my mom telling her that the concert ended and we were on our way back to the hotel. Though, I don't remember having it when I went to sleep.

I continue my search and I look at every outlet in the room, to see if I may have plugged it in to charge last night. With no luck, I sigh and sit on my bed in defeat. I cover my face with my hands. Elizabeth sits beside me, and drops her keys into my lap.

"Go check my car, you probably dropped it before we came back up last night."

She's right. I was probably too tired to notice it had fallen in the car.

"I'm going to take a shower while you go look," she says and I nod.

As I leave, Elizabeth grabs a towel and locks the bathroom door behind her. I make my way towards the elevator. I don't know what time it is, but I do know it's pretty early since Elizabeth wants to grab brunch and talk about last night. I'm supposed to be getting ready for that now, but my phone is my first priority.

I hop into the elevator and look around to see if it maybe fell down in here. I don't see it anywhere. The elevator eventually reaches the parking deck level, and I wrap my arms around myself as a cold chill sweeps through the elevator. I probably should've changed out of a t-shirt and shorts, but it didn't cross my mind. I'm still pretty groggy from last night.

I walk down the aisles of the deck in search of Elizabeth's car, although I can't seem to remember where we parked. I stand on my tippy toes to see if I can spot the top of her car. Most of the cars parked are black, like Elizabeth's, so it's hard to spot hers right off the bat. I look for her signature sun sticker that's placed on the top left of her car. I eventually spot it, and I go towards it, clicking the "unlock" button on her keys.

I walk up to it and open the passenger side door. I finally find my beloved phone tucked in between the seat and the console. I check the battery. It's dead. I sigh and pull away from the warm car. I'm glad I found my phone, but I wish it wasn't dead so that I could text my mom back. She's probably worried sick about me.

I close the car door and make sure it's locked. I start heading back to the elevator.

I look down at my phone again, just to make sure it really is dead and--


Ow... my head... My hand immediately moves to my forehead as the pain begins. My eyes flutter open as my vision blurs.

"Oh, my god, oh, my god, are you okay?" I hear yelling as I look up.

My vision clears up for just a moment, and I can see a boy about my age staring back at me.

Not my dad...

My sight blurs again before I can get a good look at him. I can only make out his brown, fluffy hair.

"Oh, my god did I hit you?!"

I close my eyes again as more pressure builds up in my head. I feel him grab my arm gently and pull me to my feet slowly, yet it's hard for me to stand on my own. He wraps his arms around me as I lean my back into him.

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