Chapter 1; Can't Close Those Eyes

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Princess Twilight Sparkle tossed and turned in her bed. No matter what angle she attempted to sleep in, she couldn't close her eyes. She should've been exhausted from all the dancing she did the night before but, try as she might, sleep wouldn't come. There was a growing feeling that kept pulling her out of drowsiness, whenever that came. Finally, the purple alicorn couldn't take it any longer. She got up and walked over to her window. She sighed, and stared out at the crystal city below her. What the hay is keeping me up?! She wondered.

"Twi?" Twilight jumped at the sudden voice. She squinted through the darkness of the room to see a small purple and green dragon sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Spike?" She questioned back, surprised to see him up. "Why in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you awake? You should go back to bed." The princess told him, her wings fluttering slightly. "The better question is why are you awake?" The baby dragon asked, a curious look appearing on his cute face. "I mean, you practically danced all night, although I can say I have seen better..."

Twilight bit her lip and stared out the window once more. Normally, she would have lied and sent him back to sleep, but she had to tell some pony, or, in this case, some dragon. "I... I don't know," She replied with honesty. "There's just this feeling that I keep getting, and even when I try to decline it, it just continues to come back." She folded her wings and sat down, her hoof on the window pane. "I don't even feel tired!" She glanced back at Spike, who had is claw on her shoulder. "Aw, it'll be okay, Twilight," He reassured her, smiling. "Just think happy thoughts!"

Twilight frowned, looking up at the stars. "You need your rest," She said, nudging Spike towards his bed. "I'll, um, go in a minute." Spike noticed that his boss had avoided his suggestion, which hurt him a bit. But he didn't show it as he climbed into bed, as he was told. Twilight waited for a few moments, soon hearing the soft snores of her assistant. Once she did, she opened her window and flew out into the night sky.

A cool breeze blew past her, causing her pink and indigo mane to ruffle. She had trouble with her wings, still not quite used to them, but she eventually was able to land on the main balcony of the crystal castle. The pretty, purple pony's gaze soon fell onto the moon, which gave the Crystal Empire a palish glow. Once again she sighed, but this time with sadness. What she didn't tell Spike, or any other pony, was that she and Flash Sentry had shared an extra moment together before she had returned to Equestria. And for some reason, she now saw his face in the moon, which she soon realized was just an illusion. But still, all she could think about was Flash, and she wished that she would stop.

I can't see him now, anyways, She thought to herself, trying to push back her emotions. But, then again, he lives right here, in the Crystal Empire! If I could just find his house... Twilights eyes scanned the many sparkly, yet spiky houses all around the main castle. "That's it!" She said aloud. "I'm just gonna have to trust my wings for this!" The princess's wings then opened, as she took off yet again.

"Woah!" Twilight yelled as she attempted to fly. Her wings flapped unevenly as she tried and failed to move without falling. She moved forward slightly, but then one wing stopped flapping and she plummeted down to the crystal kingdom far below her. "Yaaaaahhhh!" She screamed, kicking and thrashing around in the air as she fell. She prayed silently that Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy, or any pony would zoom by and catch her. She tried to flap, which slowed her down, but not by much. "Help, please, some pony, any pony, HELP ME!" She screamed, hoping that someone heard her. But she knew that it was too late.

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