"What about your brother sweetie?" 

"H-he came home with his arms wrapped up into bandages and-and mom and dad started yelling at him for skipping school and coming home late and-" She starts but breaks down once again.

"Ok sweetie, where do you live?"

"Downtown Manh-hattan, the blue house with the w-white door near the park."

"Ok, and what's your name?"

"Estella Jackson."

"That's such a lovely name. And how old are you?"


"I need you to stay on the phone with me, alright?"


"I'm sending some police officers and an ambulance to your location."

"Thank you. Mom and dad have been trying to get him out of his room but he won't leave."

"And how old is he?"

"He's eighteen."

"And what's his name?"

"Percy Jackson."


Everyone at school was confused.

They were all gathered in the gym for an announcement. 

Matt looks around the gym to try to spot anyone he knew. He saw Sera and she saw him, and to his surprise she came over to him and sat down.

"What do you think this is about?" Sera questions and Matt shrugs.

"Have you seen Percy anywhere?" He asks concerned and this time Sera shrugs.

"Haven't seen him at all so far." She explains and that's when Mr. James walks up to a mic.

"You all might be wondering why I called this assembly today." He says then pauses to take a breath.

"We almost lost another student to suicide again." Mr. James explains and Matt sees Mr. Winchester and Dean look at each other. Both faces molded in worry.

"We almost lost Percy Jackson to suicide."


Dean stops listening after that and zoned out in shock, he bends over in his seat, putting his head in his hands. Before he knew it, someone was shaking him softly. He looks up to see Alex, Sera, Matt, and Sam standing there.

"We have to see him." Sera states, her eyes were red and puffy like Alex's and Matt's.

"Ok." Dean nods.


Everything was blurry. 

That was the only way he could put it.


And in a beautiful way.

colors swirled together and moved past his line of vision as well.

"I-he-waking-" Was all he heard.



"Percy!" He heard it loud and clear that time and saw a group of blurry figures standing beside the thing he was laying on.

He saw two of them run up to him.

A man and a little girl.

He painfully turns his head to the side and slowly grabs something from the pocket of the brown blob on the side.

I Am PercyWhere stories live. Discover now