Chapter 7: Trying to Reveal the truth

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(Y/N's Pov)

I saw Jacob running down the hallway. His little legs trying to keep up with that chubby body of his as he makes his was to me. I pick him up and rub his forehead saying as I walked closer to Ms. Marina's door only to be greeted by Jack, Ms. Marina's little husky. He has always been with the doc since I've known her. as I was walking down the hallway to the docs room. I smile as I reach her door and I knock on the door. I hear a small 'come in' and I open the door. "Hey Doc wassup?" I say softly as I softly put Jack on the floor. He barked at me once and scampered out of the room. I close the door behind me, starting to waltz my at to the special chair that she let her special patients. I lay on the chair and cock my head to the side, looking at her and taking in her looks today. She was wearing a light blue dress that covered most of her body and was surprised that she wearing heels and light makeup. She finally gets done with her paperwork, looking at me, saying, "What's wrong (y/n)?" She smiles softly at me knowing why I was here. However, I decided to go with it and said " I don't know Doc...for some odd reason my mind and body has been aching for the longest and no one seems to be able to help me." I say with the most dramatic way I could do it. She just stared at me smirking about how I just made things so dramatic. She said softly but seriously, letting me know that she wasn't playing anymore "Alright tell me what's going on with you and what did you dream last night?" I looked at her and then I look down to show how worried I truly am. She got up from her chair and put her hands on my shoulders and says "What happened that made you like this?" I looked up at her and said " We are gonna have a longggggg chat." She nods and sits down taking her pen and note pad out to get. This is why I love my therapist, she knows exactly what I need when I don't even think that I need. "So (y/n) what seems to be the issue? You usually come in crying or wanting to break something. If you want to break something break, go to the gym nearby." she says teasingly. I just chuckle evilly in a teasing way and I remark with, "well if you want I could just break all of your precious pictures of your future hubby wubby and steal your dogs." She just looked at me chuckling and just stares at me. I smile proudly, nodding softly knowing that she was ready to hear my issues and start telling my issues to her, "I've been having strange dreams about guys or girl or whatever they are and they keep trying to get something from me. Those dreams just come and go whenever they want and when they do come back it gets worse than usual. Then, I met three guys that are uncomfortably nice to me and I don't know why." I stop and look at the doc, she only nodded her head telling me to continue. I start again "Well then they kept coming around me like demons and whispered nothing but evil things that I don't want to say" I tear up at the dark feeling and their cold voices around me still scares me. I couldn't talk anymore, it was like my voice left me but, as I felt a warm embrace I hold back some of the tears. This was one of the other reasons why I like this doctor, she didn't understand my full situation but, she knew when I needed a hug or blunt advice and I felt so special knowing this. Then, I drift onto a good sleep feeling safe in the doctors arms.

(Beerus POV)

I'm really starting to hate every race there is now. There is no way in hell (y/n) could be hiding something from us. Even if I know her for at least 3 months that matters not, the only thing that really matters is that locked door and her sister. I might have brought her back but why was she even sick? I look over to Goku and Vegeta, maybe they might know something that I don't know about so, I walk over to them with a blank face "Goku, Vegeta what do you know about (y/n) and her family?" They look at each other with a blank face and shrugs their shoulders. I glare at them and say "How do you guys not know?! Vegeta she tutors your child for petsake how do you not know what she does or how are family is?" Vegeta just looks at me and says "Because Bulma found her not me and secondly, she was very secretive and careful about what she did around the group. Ask anyone and they could tell you the same thing so, don't get mad at me because she was like that." I just look at him. He wasn't wrong she was very careful when she was around us, I don't even think she would talk about her sister unless we force it out of her but, they would be suicidal even for me. I might be a god but, I don't know how to handle women. I look at my place and then I look at Whis and say "take us to Earth there is something I want to do there". Whis nodded softly as Goku, Vegeta, and I touched but, as we were about to leave Champa comes rudely to my place, like he owns my place. I look at him and say, "what do you want Champa, I don't have time for you right now so leave". He responded with "aweee but brother why don't you want to talk to me, for a while and this is the thanks I get? How rude". I wanted to just leave him but I ask in a stressed way "what do you want Champa, I am in a hurry and for you to run in hear like maniac is not helping me". The smile he gave me was utterly disgusting and I couldn't help but gag a little. He walks closer to me and says "I propose a fight between Universe 6 and 7. If you agree we will take what we want from each other alright? " I nod softly and puts my hand back on Whis and only worry about going back to earth. As Whis took off I heard Champa say "YOU WILL LOSEEE!" with a the most horrible laugh ever. I shiver in disgust but, I just wait as we make onto earth and I already had a plan. The plan was to get some answers form (y/n)'s brother and sister no matter what it takes.

I'm dating the god of destruction!!!! (Beerus x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt