Chapter 3: y/n HAS A CRUSH!!!!

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(y/n's p

    He looked at me with pure fear in his eyes. Yet he looked over and saw Goku and lashed at him. I was surprised but no one else was. When I asked, "Is this a normal thing or what"? Everyone looked at me and shrugged. I looked at the boy and his sword was close enough to slice my face but I grabbed it. Now I was pissed off. I broke his sword grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down to the ground. Then I saw something I shouldn't probably have seen. His hair turned and blond and he punched me. I was sent flying and by the time I was close to the ground I was punched again. This time I hit trees and heard everyone gasps. Now I was really mad. I ran faster than the speed of light and punched him. I'm an assassin not a bitch. If I have to I will kill you no matter what the cost. He came up and tried to hit me again but this time I was too quick. I was up above him and said two words "it's...over" and with that I axed kicked him and was sent flying down to the core of the Earth. I had to catch him before he died and brought him back up not breaking a sweat. I asked " now who is he?" Everyone looked at me astonished, I wonder why. I said, "why are you guys staring at me like that, it's freaking creepy." Then the one who spoke up was Vegeta "t-that was my son...". What...wait?!?!?!?! You mean to tell me this little bitch that tried to kill me is VEGETA'S SON!!! My eyes widen and I shivered in fear. Then i smiled widely and laughed saying "I CAN STILL BEAT YOU TRUNKS!!!!!" Everyone was surprised but only Trunks knew what I meant. We would always try to see who was better at fighting and I always won. I would train him to have the ability and he would always lose. Trunks and his future self laughed while the future trunks said "at least i got you a little over half this time". I smiled and nodded. It was true I was only half when he turned super Saiyan. Sad I know but I wonder while I was glancing a Beerus how strong can he really be. So, I asked curiosity "Hey Beerus-sama are you string and if you are how strong?" He looked at me as if I said just are you a human in disguise but all he did was nod. I smirked at him because he knew that I was probably going to kick him and he said "COME". I smirk grew wider and I said "dumbass I'm not a martial a-" but I was cut off with a punch  on my cheek. I was sent flying even faster but i caught myself on a tree and flew myself back even faster. When I came back I was met with so many ki-blasts but I didn't care and went quarter of my actual power. See with Trunks and future Trunks i hold back with half power. Not this time though. I jumped on each ki blasts that sending me up faster because fuck physics. I came up face to face with him and kicked him down. He feel down quicker than light but I was faster. I rushed down and he rushed back up. Everyone was looking with excitement until Whis stopped Beerus with his staff. I stopped as well but I felt a pain in my back. It was another ki blast and I turned around looking up. Everyone was gasping except Beerus, Whis and I. He wore black everything except his sash which was red BUT STILL. He looked liked the sexier version of Goku.  He looked at me with a proud smirk and said in his deep sexy voice "hello y/n". I say "hello" back without giving away that I thought he was smexy.

(Black Goku's pov)

I missed her so much. Y/n my y/n. I looked down at Trunks and he looked up at me horrified. I smirked at this action and I looked behind her. Beerus-sama was glaring at me like I did something wrong. Whis-sama pointed his direction at y/n signifying that Beerus-sama wanted to have her. She was looking up at me with those pretty (e/c) eyes. I got to captivated in them and I kissed her. She gasped in my mouth but slowly relaxed. She started to kiss me back. I tasted only sweet in her mouth and it was wonderful (I'm eating ice cream that is why). She moaned a little as I slowly put my tongue in her mouth caressing her tongue. As I did this I felt the most unpleasant aura and I opened my eyes to see Beerus-sama glowing with rage.

(Beerus's pov)

I stared at them while they kissed. I was so furious Y/N IS MINE and he had the nerve enough to kiss her in FRONT OF ME. Luckily, he caught the hint and pulled slowly. He was staring at me wondering what I would do. Y/n looks so confused but once she felt my aura she turned to me. With something I never saw in a human with such a dark aura...excitement. She came over to me and said something that will piss me off for centuries until I get my kiss. These exact words "you're going to have to better if you want me and just to let you know I. liked. his. kiss B-e-e-r-u-s-s-a-m-a~~" and with that it just sent me over the cliff. I was so furious with her for two things.



All I did was smirk though and I whispered back in her ear with the deepest most sinister voice I could make while I stare at Black Goku "you have no idea what it's like..." I licked her ear slowly as she shivered. Oh yes I'm so going to make her mine. "to have a sex with a god mostly a god of destruction but I will show you trust me I will~~~~" and with that me and Whis left.  


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