Chapter 1: y/n's night job

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(Y/N's pov)

I awoke from my slumber at  12 at night. I was mad because I took this job without hesitation. I forgot why I took this job. I think it was important though...oh yeah now I remember it was for my younger sister Rika. She was youngest and the sweetest sister you could ever ask for. Yet she almost got killed by a man at her elementary class. She needed surgery and our family abandoned us. So, I took as many jobs as I could except for sex. Having sex with some random guy with probably STD or HIV probably won't even were a condom frightens me. The only jobs took was assassinations, tutor, cashier, and others. My older brother lives with us and his name is Ryan. He would be taking as many jobs as he could even the sex one but, he would always make sure to wear the condom but, no matter how much we made the doctor would just keep adding it up. I got up and sighed looking over at my bro. Even though we can't pay the hospital we still had a house. Wasn't big just a normal house, it was just a simple two story house. I took a quick shower and got out. We still had some things like a car ,phones and other necessities like that. We have video games and consoles so Rika and I wouldn't be so lonely and if we're are lucky enough we would have family time.  I got out of the shower and started to put on my clothes. I started to walk out but  my brother stopped me and said, " Are you really going through with this?" I nodded and said, "for Ri-Ri I will". He didn't say another word as I jumped, with my gun on my back and from our roof to other roofs I made my way to my destination. As I finally found where I was supposed to go. I went to the highest part of a hotel building to set up my sniper rifle. I set it up ready for the shot and looked to see if I could find him. Eventually, I did..Mr. Reals Noweir, one of the famous men today. He was recently known for an underground business. I had to take him out because he didn't do what the boss said to do. I got ready to shoot him and took aim. Suddenly I heard this with amusement "HEY Y/N watcha doing". I growled knowing it was Goku. That asshole... I sighed and got up looking behind me seeing people behind him. Vegeta, Bulma, Krillin, No.18, Beerus, and Whis. I stared at Krillin if he knew what I was doing I would go to jail and never help my sister. I couldn't help but think of that. I said looking at Krillin my voice cold as ice "I'm here to kill Reals Noweir..why?" Krillin gasped and said with dismay "W-why"? I looked at all of them especially Beerus he looked at me with sheer excitement. I sighed and said as I sat back into my position "for my sister." and with that, I took the shot. Reals Noweir died with a head shot. The body guards looked up but at that time I was already jumping buildings. Though Krillin stopped me and asked, "what do you mean Y/N please I want to help you..." This time I looked at everyone all their sad emotions. Even Beerus and Whis. I looked down and said with pure venom my eyes I could feel turning ice blue. I normally have blue ocean eyes but when I'm pissed my eyes start to glow. "My sister almost got killed by Teriase Monale he thought shooting up an elementary school was fun...most of the kids are dead except my sister who is barely holding her life together...I and my brother try so hard to get every job we can to help but the bill keeps getting this point, I think my sister is going to die behind it.." With all my hard efforts a tear swept through my face. I never cried in front of anyone before. Though I looked up and everyone looked at me with sadness and pity. Everyone took pity on me...I hated it. I hated when people took pity on me and couldn't do anything for me it just...pissed me off. Then Bulma said her voice was cracked "w-why didn't you t-tell a-anyone...w-w could have h-helped." Everyone nodded at what she said. I looked up at her with pure rage my eyes were white now I was growing. That's all I did though was the growl. I couldn't do anymore because my tears flowing down.  Then I heard Beerus say "Your pride and selfishness got in the way of that, you humans this d-" I snapped and said, "YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO SEE THE ONE YOU MUST LOVE DIE ON YOU...none ". I left at the moment I knew everyone was shocked but I didn't care. I ran to the hospital to see my sister.

(Beerus's pov)

I was in shock. HOW DARE THIS WOMAN TALK TO ME IN SUCH A MANNER. I growled at what she said but she was right I didn't have a clue. EWhis was always there for me no matter what happened. So no I don't, but her face broke me. Tears falling down her eyes were white as snow and here grew rugged when she was frustrated. I looked at Whis who looked at me in disappointment. When I looked at everyone else they were all...glaring at me. Bulma was the first to say something "HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT BEERUS-SAMA YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT TO SOMEONE WHO'S SISTER IS ABOUT TO DIE". Then she started to tear up. Everyone did even Goku Vegeta and even..WHIS. Then I just felt ashamed so I said in almost a whisper " Whis take us to the hospital where y/n's sister is..." Everyone looked shocked but nodded as they all wanted to go. We left to go to the hospital but what i saw was heartbreaking. y/n by her sister and some dude I could only think is her brother...crying. I felt a huge pain in my heart though. Goku went in with sorrow in his eyes and said "h-hey y/n w-what happened ". She looked and saw everyone then she looked at me with the tears she shed with her sister. Then she said in a mumble "she isn't going to live much longer" and with that she cried holding on to her sister begging for her not to go. I started to do something I never thought I would and that's cry. I went into the room and healed the girl. I may be the god of destruction but I have soft spots. y/n looked at me in pure shock but hugged me in the process as she heard her sister's heart beat. Her brother was looking at in disbelief and I don't know why but as long as y/n was happy I didn't care because I liked her as a friend...I think.

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