The Blue Angels

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[That picture of Paul is actually my school gmail profile pic. So when people see that I'm on a google doc or on quizlet or something like that, they'll see a picture of Paul and get freaked out :)]

A few months ago, I created a Fanband just because. They are called The Blue Angels, not to be confused with the band The Blue Angel. They are completely different things 'cause of the "s." I'm not so sure if this is a trollband or not, but I developed them pretty well so Idk anymore. 

Now introducing, The Blue Angels!

It was the year of 1967, during the British Invasion

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It was the year of 1967, during the British Invasion. A man with a dream of becoming famous one day saved up all his money to put an advertisement in the newspaper. This man's name was Leo. The advertisement asked for anyone with musical ability to join in a 'new band' who was going to be 'famous.' Not many people showed up at the meeting, only three people bothered to show up. Their names were Ben, Marius, and Steven.

All of them were cool with each other at first, and they all got along with each other just fine. Actually they all moved into a tiny and disgusting apartment for a small while making 'music' for their new albums. Then a new guy joined the band. He was really good at singing and had talent. However he demanded to be the lead singer. Leo, the current lead singer said no and the two sparked an intense hatred towards each other. After coming out with several songs and performing them, they got a fangirl named Chara. She loved the band and wanted to join. They said no. So she made herself their manager.

That's the short history of 'The Blue Angels.' The Blue Angels (mostly) all hate each other and only were still apart of a band because they wanted to be famous. It wasn't looking too good until they released a hit single, then they became famous.

The blue Angels really liked doing bad stuff and trying to be cool (but they weren't), and they were really poor because of their irresponsible spending on drugs, cigarettes, and the drink. They loved to mug people to get drugs from them for free, and they sold them on the black market to get a little bit of money.

The Band Members (They're mostly all British except for Chara):

Leo (Lead Vocals, sometimes guitar): Leo is vain (and stubborn), because he's the lead singer and everything. But everyone still loves him because he at least presents himself nicely and has a good public persona (He's charming). He's good at playing the harmonica, iffy at the guitar, but isn't too great at singing, even though he's the lead singer. Leo makes his presence known when he is in the room, and is an attention seeker/hog. He clashes with Eric a lot and is very jealous of him because he can't sing as well as Eric.

Eric (Background Vocals, Bass guitar): Deep singing voice, and he is very good at singing. Eric plays the bass guitar decent enough. He has a cold and hard personality and always seems to be frowning. He expresses his hate towards everyone often and always makes threats, however he never follows through with them. He's actually a smol cinnamon roll on the inside, but on the outside he's tough.

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