I bounded up to him and kissed his cheek. "Going for a run and to punch some trees. Be back soon pappa." I tell him.

"Not so fast. Come here, I need you to see this." He says. I jog back over and look at the screen. It's the recording of me when I shifted.

I watched as the girl on the screen sits and taps away in irritation. Watching this, made me relive the moment over again. But then the shifting happens and I felt amazing in the shifting process.

I was finally able to see my wolf. Pure white fur, like snow. Eyes the color of the clearest skies. It was beautiful. But what I found even more captivating, was that my wolf just sat there and looked around curiously. She sniffed a few things and began jumping around playfully.

I was shocked.

"Your wolf's not violent." He said to me with pride. "To me, that looks like you're in control but the playfulness of the wolf suggests that you had no idea what was going on. The expression on your face confirms my suspicions. You behaved perfectly. I think you'll be able to shift in the woods if this you losing control."

I gape at him in shock. "Shift? In the woods? Alone? On a full moon?" I ask him, flabbergasted. He nodded his head in response. I slapped his back, laughing. "Oh dad, you're funny. I'll see you in a bit, I'm gonna go blow off some steam."

"Be back for dinner." He says and I mumble a bye before I race out the house and into the woods.

The crunching of the leaves beneath feet, and the wind slapping me in the face feels exhilarating as whizzed through the trees. I came to a halting stop and grabbed onto a tree for support as I collect my breaths. This is the furthest I have ever ran, and it feels amazing.

I slumped to the floor and laughed darkly to myself. "Shift in the woods he says. Yeah right, dad. I'll end up dead or lost knowing my luck." I laugh to myself. "It's one thing after another today, isn't it?"

"I don't know, is it?" A deep voice says. I quickly stand up and turn to find the owner of the voice.

A guy, looks to me a few years older than me steps out from behind the tree I was leaning against. His aura screamed power. He adorned a pair of black sweats and a grey muscle shirt with black sneakers.

His dark, chocolate hair was cut short as flowed elegantly in the wind. His bright emerald eyes glittered as they looked me up and down, analyzing me. His jawline was strong and sharp that I even the movement of him gritting his teeth-

He is gritting teeth. Why is he gritting his teeth?

"What." He hissed. "Are. You. Doing. On. My. Land?"

"Your land? Last I checked buddy, the woods didn't belong to anybody and every time I have been in here, I have never seen you." I argued.

"Get out of my territory." He growled.

"What if I refuse-" I began. But the wind picked up and carried his scent towards me. My eyes widened in realization as I jumped on him.

"WOLF!" I barked as I pinned him down. His eyes widened in shock as he tried to wriggle out from underneath me.

"GET OFF YOU ROGUE!" He ordered. I tilted my head as I looked at him, confused.

"Rogue?" I asked, tasting the word on my tongue. "What's a rogue?"

"You! You're a rogue! Now get off me!"

"I still don't understand."

"Will you get off already?"

"Will you tell me what a rogue is if I get off?" I asked him. He looked at me as though I had grown two heads. I just shrugged in response.

"You really have no idea?" He asks me. I look at him sheepishly.

"A rogue is a wolf who doesn't belong to a pack." He said. For some reason, my heart fluttered at the mention of a pack but then felt more broken.

I scrambled off him and began walking away from him.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He asks suddenly, grabbing my wrist and spinning me around.

"Home. You told me to go away." I said as sadness filled my heart. I got so excited about finding another wolf that I lost all control. I have been trained to hunt werewolves down, but when I met him, I got so happy and I felt a little less alone.

"Come with me." He says, outstretching his hand. Uncertainty plagued my mind, but my heart told me to go with him. I slid my hand into his and he began tugging me after him and we broke out into a run.

I am so sorry I didn't upload this chapter last week. I was too exhausted and ended up forgetting. So today, I have decided to give you a double feature. Again, really sorry. It was an accident. I'm still getting used to this whole schedule thing.

Anyways, thank you guys for supporting this story so far, I know it only just started but I'm really happy to see the positive feedback so please keep it coming!

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Thanks ;)

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