Part three Recruit me??

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We head up to the roof of the school.  Many agent looking people follow us talking to their earbuds.  The man-in-the-white-suit sits me down beside him on a table.

"I'm sorry for the extra security.." He mutters in his raspy voice.  "Just shows how important you are to us."

" name is Tenshiro Banno....I'm here to recruit you!" He says with excitement, but this excitement is different.  Strange somehow.

"A recruiter??" I scream in awe.

"Huh for track maybe!?..but I just broke the record today!!" I try to explain.

"Oh so your a great runner? Good good..being fleet on foot will be a detriment to your life!" He says confusing me.

"Wait so art then? Singing?" I wonder.

"Your very talented but both are wrong." He says with a serious face. "Heh heh...we want you..for a soldier!!"

"Wait your with the army? Uh sorry but no..goodbye!" I get up to leave but he sits me back down.

"Let me explain child" He says. "There are some who like to fight..and there is those who have to..."

"Your one of them?" I ask.

"Not only that but I see your already familiar with the enemy." He pulls a crumpled piece of paper from his snow white jacket and flattens it out onto the table.  I stand there shocked looking at the-thing-I-fear-most. My jaw drops.

"You have dreams of this beast..and we are looking for special people that have prophetic dreams."

"Prophetic dreams?" I sit there listening.

"Yes and believe it or not..this beast exist." He says

"What!? No no no! No way!" I scream to myself.

"Yes." He says. "All of a sudden on a island, let's call it island A, a 80 metre tall creature appeared and destroyed the island." He ponders. "As a bonus..the island was home to a U.S military base twice as strong as the one you currently have."

"No no! This can't be!" I slap myself trying to wake up. "This is a dream!"

"No my friend, and it will arrive soon." He adds.

"Your lying! Quit joking around!!" I yell at him.

"If it were a joke.." he takes his glasses off. "Then a man like me would not be here." His eyes are bloody and black.

"I don't believe you!!" I feel a gun press to the back of my head. I turn around and find myself staring at a woman. "Huh?" I grab the gun and swing up, breaking her grip and sending the gun flying.

"What are you doing?!" I hollar at her.

"Don't worry, it wasn't loaded." She says disappointed. "You pass."

"Wahh?!" My jaw drops.

"Yay!!" The man claps his hands with excitement. "Ko, you just cemented the expectations about you!"

"What do you mean!?" I ask.

(Find out in the next chapter!!! Vote and comment please!! Stay kawaii!!)

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