Part 1 A dream?

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  I stand in the middle of what looks like an nuclear explosion.  Destruction awakened as far as the eye can see.  There's no one around to accompany me in this wake of terror and chaos.  Then all of a sudden I feel the floor below me shake with magnitude, violently throwing me to the ground.


A building crumbles to the ground from a distance, revealing a black figure much bigger than the tower itself. It stands there, getting me a better look at it.  It's indescribable at the moment.  A monster I think. Acting upon my natural instincts I huddle to the ground and start to cry, realizing what was about to happen again. The monster walks toward me and swings it's gigantic arm onto me...

"Ahhhhh!!!!" I scream in fear, I'm in my bed, feeling sweat drip off my face.  "Not that dream again." I say wiping my face while trying to calm down. "Please just give me a Break!!!" My eyes adjust to the light coming through the window.

-Everyone's got that horrible nightmare when their exhausted right? Well that one is mine.-

I look down at my drenched shirt and bed. "Eww!! I need a shower."

Minutes later I'm sitting in a chair eating my breakfast. My hair wet and neatly combed. My mom comes pacing down stairs.

"Ko, Darling are you ok?! I heard you shouting again when you woke up this morning!" She looks at me concerned. "Do you need any medication?! We got plenty of it!

"No I'm fine mother." I say holding my spoon.

-ever since we left dad to go to Japan, she has been a little ...okay well a lot overprotective.-

"Ok mom I'm leaving!!" I yell walking out the door.

"Wait!!" She says as she grabs my hand and places her other hand on my head. "Okay thank God no fever."

"Moooomm!!" I mutter at her. "Your embarassing!"

-She fusses way to much about me, I swear-

"Cut it out mom!" I say as she continues to look me over. "Amagi will be here at any momment!!"

-Amagi would laugh If she saw this--

"Uhh I'm already here." I turn startled at the voice behind me. She stands there blushing.

"A-amagi?!" I say still startled.

-Well I'm in for it--

"Good morning Seria!!" My mother says as we walk away. Amagi answers with a good morning as well.

"Stupid mother, doesn't she know that's embarrassing?" I pout walking with Amagi to school.

"Aww she probably just loves you a lot!!" She blushes again. "Mothers can do that!"  She smiles at me.

We talk for a minute and I finally tell her about the dream again.

"You had THAT dream again?" She asks worried. "It must be pretty scary!" She tenses up.

"Scary? That's just the beginning..I wish I could show it to you." I say. "It's so vivid I can smell the blood and smoke" I say replaying the dream in my mind.

She stands there and stares at me with a terrified look on her she just killed someone.

"Ahh..Sorry." I say apologizing for the scare.

"No don't worry!" Her face clears up to the cute Amagi I know. "A Dream is just that..a dream!!" She smiles and lightly punches me on the arm.

"Yeah, your right." I say blushing. "That's a good point!! I'm not gonna let it bug me anymore!" I yell to myself.

"Wow just like that?" She gets a surprised look on her face.

"Yeparoo!! I promised myself a long time ago that whatever you believed in, I would do the same!"

"Mm!" She blushes looking at me, tears start to form when she looks away. We continue the walk to school.

-a black car follows us unawears. The driver says on his radio "Is that him?" The radio answers with "confirmed target, pursue at an appropriate time asap"----

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