Chappter 11- Future.

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The books were old, most of them were in Aramaic, the dead language. So I could only read some. "History of the Garrick's" I skimmed the books old binding and felt the letters under my fingertips, I tugged at the rather large book and it came down as well as a tone of dust. "Dragons, Law and Truth?" I questioned as I opened the book.

"The eighth King will put into the motion of the first prophecy when the bloodlines of the mundane and Dragon are merged, One child will be the key in saving all five Kingdoms."

The wind pushed the windows open and the book fell out of my hands and crashed to the floor, I felt my legs give way, everything quickly faded to darkness.


The surroundings began to melt away and I could feel the warmth on my upper arm and my leg, this feeling was strange. "Dragons" I whispered, and I heard a soft "I know" light crept into my vision and I shut my eyes again harder, slowly I was looking at my worried Husband.

"Dragons" my voice trailed off into a whisper and Octavious wiped a damp cloth over my face. I could hear faint chattering in the background, and the warmth from the King beside me left. I just felt myself drift off to sleep once more.

Octavious' POV

"Yes, I know." I looked down at the book that my wife had stumbled across. Our history. She now knew she had married a Shapeshifter.

"This pregnancy is special. Sacred. Your baby is coveted, highly coveted." The Physician's voice was strong, as he placed his hand on the Queens's stomach.

Her chest softly moved up and down as she breathed, she looked so peaceful. Yet still oblivious to our future. Eberin's new Destiny.

"My Lord, if I may, I would like to check up on the Queen when she awakes." My head glanced towards the physician's place and nodded. "Yes. I think that would be a good idea, Lynis, thank you." He nodded and left the room, leaving me and my sleeping wife alone.

I listened to her breathing all night before I eventually felt sleep overcome my subconscious.

"The future of our land?" I woke to a book being tossed upon the mattress next to me with a thud and just skimming my lower leg, "what do y-you mean?". It was Eberin. And I think that Lynis had just shown her the rest of the page she didn't read.

"Your majesty, please try and be calm, I need to examine you and see how your body is coping with the pregn-" before he could finish her mouth had dropped open and she sat on the edge of the bed where I was now sitting. "-acy. I know it's a shock, but we need to keep an eye on the Royal child."

She didn't look up at him, and she didn't look at me. She just stood up, and walked to the washroom, where her handmaiden was waiting for her with a drawn bath.

"I can't even imagine what's going inside her mind right now, My Lord." I nodded and ran my hands through my messy bed-hair. I'll be there for you as much as I can, my Queen, but only after.


Eberin's POV

As I laid in the hot water I let my mind wander, my child? I submerged my hand beneath the water to touch my stomach. It's heart to imagine. Being pregnant. I'm so young.

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