Chapter 9 - Love, my King. Love

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This is what I wanted. But now, not so much. There she lay. Her hand was cold, and her beautiful face frozen. This wasn't meant to hurt this much. This was love. I picked her up and brought her to my bed and laid her down.

"I love you, my queen."


Her eyes fluttered and began to open. As soon as she saw my face tears pricked her gorgeous blue eyes. "He-" Her voice broke as she tried to talk, I shushed her from continuing, "Shh little one, I know. I know." I pulled her close to me, I then felt my own eyes begin to water. She somewhat resisted my embrace before I felt her weight fall on me. Limp. I pulled back and looked at her, she was breathing but she looked lifeless. Cold.

She slowly sat up and looked around us. "He told me." Her voice was so broken. My mind was racing, what? "He told me that you didn't want me." She stammered up as she talked. "What? No!" I saw she was weak, so I stood up and I grasped her upper arms, she tried to rip herself from my grip. "No. You want me dead." Tears streamed down her face, I couldn't help but shake my head. Even though, she was half right. Before everything, before I saw her, I thought after the wedding I could just have her killed. But I am emotionally pulled towards this beautiful girl. My now, Queen. 

She looked so broken. Like broken glass. My own heart split in two. I had hurt her, with my own selflessness of being the strong King I need to be. But I hurt her, and that hurt me. "I don't understand this pull I have for you still. My head is telling me to stay far away from you. But my heart is telling me that I can never leave." Butterflies erupted at her second point, I then slid my hands down to grab her hands, this time she didn't try to remove herself from me.

"I'm sorry, Before I met you, I did think I could just marry you, and have you-" "Die? Murdered?" She cut me off and I lowered my head, Tears filled my eyes and no matter how hard I tried to push them back, they just fell. Eberin seemed to notice, "And now, how do you feel about me?" She didn't hear me before. Now I wished she did. "Now, I love you." Her pouted lips formed a smile and she pressed them into mine. She kissed me first. 

After her sweet kiss, I just wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Now, my Queen, you are my Kingdom. She began to sniffle, as though she was beginning to cry, I simply kissed the top of her head and whispered that I loved her again into her ears. 

Eberin's POV;

"Do you still want our reception, my Love?" His words so strong in 'Love'. I shook my head and nestled into his warm chest. Even though I know what he said, and originally wanted, something told me that he no longer wished me pain. I never thought I'd see him cry. The King of Warrd. Crying over me?

I didn't want to stop hugging him, but we did have a party to get too. My arms fell from being wrapped around him and I pulled away, well-tried. He tried to pull me back in but I shot him a look that said come on. He let go but before he did, he kissed me, passionately. Our lips danced, he stopped for a second looked at me and tucked my fallen hair behind my ear.


I did what he said, he placed both of his large hands gripped my upper thighs and he picked me up. Again our lips collided and began to dance one more, so heated. Was it summer? No. That's just my.. Husband, my King. He shifted his hands one was now holding my bum and the other was pressed on the small of my back and it covered my whole back.

His tongue grazed my lip and I granted it access. That was when things stopped, I felt a bulge against me and I pulled out of the heated kiss, breathless. "We have a party to get back too my King" I puffed out. He let go of my bum and I slid down him, feeling the large bulge as I did. He looked at me as though nothing just happened. But his lips parted into a smile. He took my hand and led me from his room, well now our room I guess.

The corridor was a bit more chilly then I remembered. Lucky I wasn't out for long. I think. "My Queen, the party has been postponed for days." Concern filled his tone as we halted to a stop, still hand in hand. His eyes locked onto mine and I melted. "You were out for a few days, we wanted to know that you were okay. But I have ordered our troops to march on the East." My eyes widened at his statement, but I soon relaxed remembering that the Eastside Kingdoms wanted domain overall. We needed to stay in power.

"Whatever it takes my sweet" I reached my free hand up to stroke his rough face. He smiled slightly and we continued to walk. Warrd was a lot more..  Wet then Dawn. The rooms filled with a cold blue hue even when ember candles were lit. Something was different about this side of the lake.

Two tall guards were standing either side of a large door, the throne room. Octavious nodded, knocks were made by the men and the doors opened. It was different from what I remember with Vima the day we snuck into Warrd. Uncomfortably different. The King dropped my hand and took his seat upon his throne, gesturing for me to do the same. I curtsied and did what I'm sure he didn't have to say. Those eyes can say a million words.

Soon the room was filled with bruting knight's, all clamouring to get a glance of their King. Or their new Queen. My gown was the focal point of their stares, gold cords outlined the cufflinks of my arms and around my waist. The fabric was hand made and was a deep dark purple, the men in the second row couldn't take their eyes off me.

Octavious caught their eyes and they instantly looked down. Jealousy animated through his tone, "Tonight is the night where we take back OUR kingdom, Warrd,  Dawn and Rayhaven are ours to protect." His eyes shifted to me as he said, Dawn. I then spoke up, I didn't care if it wants aloud. " For years now, Easterns have tried to infiltrate our kingdom. Trying to break us. They won before. Now their guard is down. Its time to strike." Anger rose within me and as I spoke it filled my words. Octavious grasped my hand and rubbed it gently. "We will be victorious men. WE ARE UNITED!"

The men cheered and we began to step down and walk away, "ONE FAMILY! ONE KINGDOM! " The crowd began to chant. My heart stopped. It was time. We are back to where it began.

One kingdom.

One family.


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