"That's him?!"

18 1 5

The bus was crowded and uncomfortable for the both of them; neither of them cared as long as they were spending time with each other. their friendship was that of something that would be hard to find again. Ava and Lana met when they were 13. Lana had just moved and they were in the same tutor group. to be honest, they didn't like each other very much when they first met. Ava thought Lana was going to take her then best friend away from her and Lana thought Ava was going to be really mean and far too outgoing for her liking. the only reason they became close was because they hated the same girl. it didn't really seem to matter anymore, they loved each other like family.

they were too deep in their friendship to leave the other one now. Ava felt so much joy for seeing Lana again. they hadn't seen much of each other lately because they had both been so busy. this was one of the few times they got to hang out again and ava was going to savour all of it.

As they stepped off the bus, they heard the usual jeers from drunk twenty year olds. Ava knew they were never directed at her, always Lana. it always made both of them uncomfortable but they were both scared to say anything. so, they did what they always did. they grabbed each others hands and ran towards the mall where they knew they would not be followed. However, this one specific time, Lana looked back. Ava noticed this but didn't pick her up on it.

as the door opened, the familiar smell of food and grease hit her face. this wasn't the cleanest mall in the world or even the county but it the best thing they had to do around here.

"Where to, boss?" ava asked.

"You know where, dipstick!"

Lana was right. Ava knew full well where Lana wanted to go. they proceeded to walk down to their favourite shop. it didn't really have a name, everyone around the town just called "insanity". it was quite fitting, considering they sold all manner of things from clothes to pentagrams on chains.

as they walked in, it got a whole lot darker than the rest of the mall. the lighting was extremely dimmed and the walls were painted a deep purple. without the light music playing in the background, the whole place seemed really ominous. the back of the store was where their favourite things lie. purple lacy dresses with bows at the top, blue t-shirts with stars and black ripped jeans.

"I love this place so much!" Lana exclaimed

"so do I. but can you hurry up, it'll be time for your date soon anyway."

"oh my gosh, you're right. I need to hurry and choose something. don't forget that you're here to help me not look for stuff for yourself." Lana said, seeing that ava had already started looking for herself.

"Fine. but I'm not gonna have as much fun." said ava begrudgingly

"shut up! you love it really!" Lana laughed.

they spent the next twenty minutes looking for and trying on the perfect outfit for Lana to wear to meet this guy. finally, they decided on a white shirt with a black collar, a black frilly skirt and some black tights with stars on. they also got Lana a black bracelet to go with it all.

"Damn. you look gorgeous." Ava exclaimed in amazement.

"Ava. I know I look hot but don't hit on me like that!" Lana said jokingly.

"Oh shut up you twat." Ava replied laughing.

Lana glanced at her phone.

"Crap! its time to meet him! Ava, please come with me to see him! I want you to meet him."

"ok, calm down. I'll come."

Quickly, they paid for the outfit and ran out of the mall. Ava noticed they were running back to the bus stop. Did they have to get back on the bus? It hit ava like a wave. they were going to where those guys that catcalled Lana were.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! I was... caught up in something. Anyway, Mark this is Ava. Ava, this is mark."

Mark was so obviously drunk. you could tell from the way he spoke and you could spell the booze on him from miles away. he looked just like his photo, except worse. his hair was spiked up like he just been electrocuted and his clothes were practically falling off.

"Hi avaaa! its nice to meet youuu!" he said.

Ava was disgusted. she had never seen such a sorry excuse for a human. she shook his hand and excused herself and Lana from the conversation.

"Are you serious? that's him?!"

"I know, I know he's not the best when he's drunk. he's so nice when he's sober though! please. if you don't want to stay, fake a cold and ill call you later. please?" Lana gave Ava her puppy dog eyes again.

she must really want this thought ava

"Fine. i'll leave. But if anything happens you are to call me straight away and I will be right over. promise?" Ava held up her pinky finger. they would always do this when they wanted to seal a promise.

"I promise." their pinkies interlocked and they both knew the other one meant it.

"call me tomorrow."

That was the last thing Ava said to Lana.

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