"Ah... right... your phone died..." Phana rubbed his forehead.

"Why didn't you call us, Ai'Beam?" Kit asked. "I was just-". "I was eating with that Nong while you-" Kit paused but he opened his mouth again as if he was about to say something. But he only ended up sighed.

"It's fine, guys, really. Forth came," Beam said. "He waited with me, help me pushed my car to a safer place, since the service hadn't come yet and he insisted on bringing me to some restaurant."

Phana squinted his eyes.

"No, Pha! I, I told him that I hadn't have my dinner at all and I was eating only chips," Beam said explained. "Stop thinking bad about Forth! He loved Wayo, that's not a sin! He was about to drink with his friend to forget N'Yo who just-". "- just performed for someone he loved, who was not him!". "He's letting him go!".

Phana nodded with wide eyes and palms showed to Beam who was suddenly became so aggressive and offended.

"So, you say, Forth was on the way to this... drinking party when he met you on the road and decided to accompany you?" Kit asked.

"Why did he do that?" Phana asked.

Beam frowned hard, he tried to manage his calm at Phana's sensitive, and offensive question as if that was something Forth was unable to accomplish.

"Because I'm his friend," Beam said made Phana and Kit raised his brows in disbelief. "I shooed him away, I told him to just go to wherever the place he was trying to reach. Like, you know, who the hell am I to him?". "But he asked me to stop chasing him away like that because he wasn't leaving me, alone, in the middle of nowhere, on the side road, hungry, so late at night, okay?".

Kit and Phana looked at each other.

"I think it has something to do with the value of that dumb hazing event in his faculty," Beam said quietly.

"Ok, then what's the relation between this and those," Kit asked as he pinted the scars on Beam's face.

"So..." Beam said. "The next day, after class," Beam said again. "I was bored and i-". "no, I called him to say my gratitude. And I hear sounds," Beam said. "He hung up in like five second with screaming voices and some loud thuds in the background."

"Don't say that you-" Phana opened his eyes wide while Kit covered his mouth with his palm, having wider eyes than Phana.

"I..." Beam said. "I wasn't thinking at all," Beam said. "I looked for him and.... Yeah... he was... cornered by these.... Seven? Seven pricks with baseball bats and things... alone... so... yeah...".

"Baseball bats?!!!" Phana asked in surprised.

"Ai'Beam!" a cheerful voice chirped and everyone was turning his head to Beam's back, where a tall guy stood up with a palm on Beam's shoulder.

"Phana!" Kit shouted as Phana got off from his seat and walked angrily to Forth, grabbing his collar. Beam saw those blue jacketed guys watched them closely, some of theme even walked closer to Phana.

"You should've stopped him from entering those kind of dogfight!!" Phana said as he shook the collar in his grip.

"Phana," Beam stood up as he tried to calm him down while Kit was holding Phana's big body from the back, tried to make some more space between those two big bodies.

"You know that's not his thing at all!! Look at his face! Damn bruises everywhere!" Phana said as he pointed his finger to Beam.

"Phana," Beam said as he stood between Phana and Forth, letting Forth's collar away from Phana angry grip. "calm down, this is not his fault at all. I-".

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