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Suggested Song: Young Girls- Bruno Mars

i sit on my bed, with my freshly washed hair thrown up into a messy bun. i sit thinking about the past thirty minutes. my mind swirls around the fact that my mother is gone, and my dad is alone. im not crying anymore, the tears stopped after the phone call. now, i wait for liam dunbar's arrival to the mccall residence.

my eyes dart around the room as i notice how unorganized everything is. it's time to start setting up my room because i will be here for a while. the doorbell rings from downstairs, and i silently hobble down the stairs to unlock the door. the blue eyed boy smiles innocently. he is wearing a tight nike red shirt with dark blue jeans. he has a grey zip up jacket around his shoulders.

"we are going to set up my room," i announce without a greeting.

"okay?" liam says. previously, on the phone, i let out a few tears as liam tried to calm me down.  i tried to explain what had happened, but i kept it brief.  we make it to my room, and he looks around the room before asking, "where do we start?"

"to be honest, i have no idea.  you can play some music with my record player in the corner."  liam goes to the box full of records and starts to sort through them.  i begin by going to the open suitcase and distributing all the items inside the suitcase to inside the white dresser that came with the room.

"how about this?" liam holds up a lionel richie album.  it's a single record, holding lionel's iconic song: hello. 

i hold back a laugh because that song has been torn apart by critics for years.  "that's perfect," i say with a laugh.  liam attempts to put the record on the turntable, but he fails miserably.  i take the record from him, causing our arms to lightly touch.  he smiles when the record starts to spin.  the beginning sounds of the song begin to play.

i go back to moving things out of the suitcase while liam sits on the floor sorting through the records. he seems fascinated by all the discs that i have collected. he stares at the duran duran album, and reads the back of the guns 'n roses album. i sort my drawers between pants, shorts, sweats, and undergarments. my hands fold each item with care, and it keeps my mind off of the regular world.

when the song ends, liam watches the record come to a stop. i sit next to him, and remove the disc from the turntable. "what's next dj?" i ask. he laughs and hands me the bruno mars album, unorthodox jukebox.  "great choice," i say as i put start the record.  the voice of bruno mars are heard and i whisper the words that are etched in my brain.  the song is upbeat, and continues playing as i start hanging up clothes in my closet. 

liam gets up from the floor and comes to help.  he doesn't bring up my mom or last night, fortunately.  we have a system: he hands me a shirt and i put it on the hanger to be put into my closet.  bruno continues to play in the background as the suitcase that was previously filled is now emptying.  i pull dark blue lights out of the bottom of the suitcase and smile.  lights are my favorite part of any room. 

"will you please help me hang these up?"

"yes, i will." liam does the hanging as i direct his hands and the placement of the lights.  in the middle of the hanging, my favorite bruno mars song starts to play: young girls. 

"wait, liam." he drops the set of lights he holds and looks into my eyes. 

"i spent all my money
on a big ol' fancy car."  bruno starts.

i get on the floor and stare at the ceiling.  liam looks from above, and follows my movements. 

"i'm addicted and i don't know why
guess i've always been that way."

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