The Prophecy

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It was like any other day in Hogwarts. It was. . . a normal day. Well as normal as it could get with wizards and witches, anyways.

The Golden Trio where in the Gryffindor common room trying to finish their Potions homework, well at least Harry and Ron were trying to.

"Blimey, Mione', how can you finish a 12 inch essay in less than an hour?!" exclaimed Ron, seeing as his friend was already packing her stuff.

"Well unlike you two, I actually try to get my things done on time." said Hermione.

"She's right, mate." replied Harry.

"We never do get our stuff done in time."
Ron mutter something under his breath before returning to his parchment.

"Harry, do you know what the last task is?" asked Hermione.

"What? Oh yeah. Today we were shown what the last task will be."

"And?" said Ron.

"And what?"

"What is it?"

"Oh, it's a maze." answered Harry.

"A– a maze?"

Both, Ron and Hermione's face showed amazement.



Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was sitting behind him desk, staring directly at his door, where there was a sudden knock.

"Come on in."

Stepping into Dumbledore's office was none other than the Divination professor, Sybill Trelawney.

"You wanted to see me, headmaster?" questioned Professor Trelawney.

"Why, yes, Sybill. I wanted to talk to you about the progress of the fourth years. I have been told that all the fourth year students have been dropping on assignments ever since the Triwizard Tournament has started. Especially on your subject, Divination."

"Oh, yes. Well they've been doing better, I suppose. Especially Mr Harry Potter and Mr Ronald Weasley. They seem to be doing great with seeing their future."

Dumbledore smiled fondly at this. The headmaster knew very well that Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter were really just making a bunch of lies to save themselves from their professor.

"Very well, that will be all, Sybill. You may leave if you please." Dumbledore told Professor Trelawney.

But Sybill Trelawney seemed to be in a trance.

"Sybill, are you alright?" asked Dumbledore calmly, getting up from his seat to be standing next to Sybill.

All of a sudden, Professor Trelawney's eyes widened and turned white.

"The boy who shall defeat the Dark Lord will have his beloved ones resurrected from the dead, a boy rather fond of him will be killed by the Dark Lord's servant."

Dumbledore wasn't at all shocked to say the least. He still had the sparkle on his eyes that shined behind his half moon spectacles.

"Oh– I'm sorry, did you say something, headmaster?" said Professor Trelawney, not taking realize on what had just happened.

"Oh yes, I said you could get going if you pleased." answered Dumbledore.

"Yes, thank you, headmaster."

Saying their goodbyes, Dumbledore stayed in his desk, thinking all night of the prophecy, Sybill Trelawney had just made.

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