Chapter 1

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Hi! :) My first time posting a story here, so I hope you like it! Enjoy! :D



"If X were equal to Y squared plus the square root of 13 divided by N, then N would be...Kara?"





"I think that the answer to that question would be the Bronze Age!" I stood up suddenly and answered.

Everyone in the class laughed, as Ashley, my best friend, rolled her eyes at me and sighed in exasperation. The teacher's face was slowly growing red with anger, and I counted down the seconds until she would explode.


"GET OUT OF THE CLASSROOM RIGHT NOW!!!" she shrieked, uncaring that I was being humiliated in front of fifty or so of my peers. I grabbed my books and high-tailed it out of the room, slamming the door behind me, as I was laughed out of the room.

But as it was normal procedure already, I didn't really mind all that much.

Today was a disastrous day. No, the sky wasn't falling, and no, China wasn't under attack by nuclear missiles. Okay. Let's be clear on this one. Today was an disastrous day for ME.

I don't know if you're up on the daily schedule yet, but Ashley has walked home every day with me since kindergarten. We're such good friends that no one else could ever understand. In fact, the only times we've been sick, we've been sick together.

So anyway, I was walking home, minding my own business, and sticking to the sidewalk like a good little girl, when out of the blue, a motorcycle rides past me and splashes mud in my face.

What I was really mad about though, was the fact that the new dress that I had worn today FOR THE FIRST TIME was soaked with mud. The people who know me have already guessed what I did. For the people who don't know me...well, let's just say you don't want to know.

I took out a flat rock that I kept handy in my backpack for situations like this (not this EXACT situation, but if I was being harassed, then it would definitely come in handy...)

Taking aim, I threw it at his head, and seeing it bounce off his helmet, I turned back around, heading home.

Just as I was feeling elated for my spectacular accomplishment, the roar of a motorcycle sounded behind me.

Uh oh!

Swerving away from the edge of the sidewalk, I managed to escape reaching hands...


He grabbed me around the waist, and ignoring the fact that I was a GIRL, plopped me over his shoulder and continued to drive his motorcycle.

"Let me go!" I screamed, pounding on his back.

"If you feel like falling off, then keep struggling." He replied, amused.

I immediately stopped struggling. After 15 or so minutes, we still hadn't stopped, and I was beginning to get curious about where we were headed. On top of that...well, let's just say I was getting a little drowsy.


"Aah! Get it off! Get it off!" I awoke to yelling, and being dumped unceremoniously on the ground. Nice wake up call, eh?

The guy pointed at my nose and cursed.

"Never EVER EVER drool on me again!" he shouted.

Ow...I held my nose to save it from further attacks and blinked at him piteously with puppy dog eyes. After yelling at me for five more minutes, he seemed to calm down and my puppy dog eyes started to take effect. He sighed and bent down next to me and rubbed my head.

"It's okay. I'm not going to yell anymore...OW!" he shrieked as I kicked him hard on the shin. I watched in glee as he jumped around, holding his leg, cursing.

My happiness didn't last much longer though, when he once again stuck his face near mine.

"Funny? Then..."

But my brain automatically tuned him out. All I could think was




He is soooo hot.

With raven black hair, thin lips that were currently pressed tight in anger, a sinewy muscled body (not like overdone like those creeps on steroids), and pitch-dark eyes that seemed to be able to see to your very soul, he could pass for Apollo. Well...the more evil version of Apollo.


"Yes ma'am!" I quickly said, forgetting that I wasn't in class.

As I watched the vein on his forehead slowly become more distinct, I had a feeling that it would be a good idea to run...

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm just going to head on home..."

With that, I began to run. is just me, or was the ground not moving? In fact, I felt an acute pain on the back of my neck.

Struggling to glare back at the guy who was holding me off of the ground by the collar, I sputtered in indignation. Who carries people by their collars? I'm NOT a dog!

He stared at me a while, inspecting me, and then said,

"Aidan Dimensky. Remember the name." and walked towards his motorcycle, leaving me to glare at his back.

I stuck my tongue out at him and rolled my eyes. He swung his leg over the seat, and putting on his helmet, looked back at me.

"I saw that." And with a roar of the motorcycle, he drove off.

Jeez. What a cocky nincompoop.

Turning around, I started to head home, when I suddenly figured out I didn't know where I was.


EEEEK!!! The Devil's after me!!!Where stories live. Discover now