Project: Risen - Phoenix to Lotus

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I've really been think about what to do with my life. With nothing to do this summer, I'm left with a lot of time to examine what I want to do in life. There's a lot of pressure on my from my parents to find a real career and not pursue art but I feel like I can't do anything else. I have devoted hours upon hours in doing my art. Everything about it interest me. The fact that there no wrong way to do art helped me create my own style. I have my own way to express myself and carve my presence into the earth its self. So this really got me thinking. How can I show my message? Sure I can make art that I hope that I hope people see. I kinda dabbled in small scale graffiti but I want something bigger. I don't want be hidden anymore. I want the world to here my voice. But I don't want to do it alone. A message is always stronger when more people are there to support it. That why I want you to help me Lotus. With your words and my art, we can be revolutionary. I know this is a little much to ask but I feel like we can do it. We can do it anonymously and stick to some graffiti style tactics. I'm not asking you to do more then I'm willing to do. If you don't want to do it, I completely agree.  This is going to be a tough thing to commit to and pull off in the end. I think I would just like someone I know and trust to assist me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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