Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous Ladybug or it's characters, only the plot and my OC's!

This chapter is dedicated to Punk09 for her awesome support on one of my other books! (Sorry this is late)



Camille caught up to Ladybug and Chat Noir just as they reached the akumatized victim. The akuma was a young girl, about thirteen, Camille guessed and was floating only a few inches above the ground. Her white air was in high pigtails tied off with blood red ribbons and she wore a short, white dress that came only an inch above the knee. She also wore bright red heels and had a long, purple staff clutched in her hands.

The akumatized girl seemed to have a destination in mind, for she was plowing through boxes, street lamps, cars, and other objects like they were nothing, and leaving a trail of destroyed items littered in a straight path. Camille hid behind a chimney only a few feet away from Chat Noir, who gave her a cheeky grin saying, we got this.

"Hey, Akuma!" Chat Noir called out, lounging on the chimney that Camille was currently hiding behind. He was also twirling his baton around, clearly showing off. "You know there are such things as sidewalks right?"

The akumatized girl turned around with an unmistakable fire raging in her eyes, even from a distance. "Just shut up and go away!" she screamed at Chat.

Camille watched as Chat Noir put his hands up in mock surrender. "There's no need for the cat-titude, akuma!"

This really made the girl mad, as she swung her staff with all her might towards Chat Noir, who was caught off guard and hit right in the chest. He flung backwards, leaving both Ladybug and Camille to look at the akuma with open mouths. The staff swung back toward the akuma like she was a homing beacon in a blur, and once she caught it, she resumed plowing through the things on the street.

Both Ladybug and Camille turned around to Chat Noir. "Are you okay?" Camille asked.

He shook his messy hair like a cat and bounced back up. "Never better." He gave her his signature grin, which she responded to with a small smile of her own.

"Come on, guys, the akuma is getting away," Ladybug informed them with a wave of her hand, and they were off.

While the three miraculous holders were following the direction that the destructive akuma went in, Ladybug made an interesting point. "This akuma seems different," she said. "Not only does she seem to have no real purpose except to get to some destination, but she never gave us her name. Usually, when we call one of them an akuma or their real name, they retaliate with their new villain name. And it seems very weird that Hawkmoth would give up the chance of obtaining our miraculous'. It just doesn't make sense."

"I've not lived in Paris long enough to know whether or not this kind of behavior is normal or would be normal for an akumatized girl, but I will admit that this is strange," Camille responded, and then exclaimed 'there!' for she had spotted the young akuma a fair distance ahead. She flew down and landed on a rooftop, where she was joined by the others.

"There what?" Ladybug asked confusedly.

Camille was confused, "You don't see the akuma? She's right over there." She pointed, but Ladybug still didn't see anything. She thought she was seeing things until Chat exclaimed that he too saw the akuma.

"But it's only a rough blurry outline." Chat explained.

I must have owl vision then! It was the only explanation that made sense. The two other superheroes either couldn't see the akuma at all or just barely. She'll have to practice later on to find out what her other powers were if she actually had any.

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