Chapter One

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This chapter is dedicated to Stxrduxt for introducing me to the world of roleplaying and giving me an idea for this fanfiction. Thank you so much! (This is also very late, so sorry about that)

Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous Ladybug, but I do own the plot and my characters.



Camille watched the raindrops slide down the car window in small rivers, nervous of the day to come. It was her first day of school in Paris, and to be honest, she was freaking out. All her life she had always gone to the same set of schools with the same people and the same teachers. Now, she was going to a different school, one that she had no idea what to expect.

She glanced up at her mother, who was fixated on driving them through the rain and traffic and gave a little sigh. She had to be happy for her mother, after all, she was so excited about her new job and Camille didn't want to sour the bright and cheery mood her mother had acquired.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Camille almost didn't notice the older man. Looking out from the layer of rain covering the window was difficult, but it seemed that the man was about to walk across the road. Cars were streaming past and her heart lurched as the man got closer to the moving vehicles. She looked around wildly for anyone who might have noticed this occurrence, but it seemed that no one was paying attention.

Camille's mind was set as she quickly grabbed her coat from next to her, slipped it on, and opened the car door. Thankfully, the car was stopped at a traffic light, so she didn't have to jump out of a moving vehicle. Her mother gave out a surprised 'hey!' when she noticed that her daughter was getting out of the car, but Camille didn't even pause, she was too determined to save the old man.
Camille ran around the front of the car and onto the sidewalk where the man was about to cross the street. Just before the man was able to take his first step, Camille yanked him back, just in time to avoid the car that roared past. She let out a sigh of relief at the retreating car and turned back to the man.

"Are you okay, sir?" She asked worriedly. The man had on a red floral patterned shirt, grey hair, and a slightly wrinkled face, indicating that he was older. He also had a goatee that sharpened into a tip and two side mustaches the same color grey as his hair. An aura of calm and wise seemed to radiate off of him, and Camille was surprised at the warmth of his amber eyes.

The man clasped Camille's hands in his and smiled at her with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much for saving me," he said, "I was lost in thought and didn't seem to be paying attention. I am in your debt."

Camille blushed a little. "Oh, no! I only did what any person would have done! There is no need for that."

The man looked up at Camille and stared into her eyes as if evaluating something. "But you are someone special. Did you see anyone else come to my rescue?"

The man made a good point, if she hadn't been there, he would have become a pancake. Camille shook her head no, and the man gave another satisfied smile, releasing her hand in the process. He waved goodbye at her and carried on his way. All Camille could do was watch as he disappeared into the crowd, thinking about how unusual their encounter was.

Sighing, Camille made her way back to the car, which she was surprised to find still in the same place, stuck behind a huge line of cars. She slipped back into her seat in the back and closed the door behind her. The car was silent for a few seconds before her mother turned around in her seat to exclaim at her daughter.

"Camille! What did you think you were doing, getting out of the car like that! You could have been hurt!"

"I'm sorry, Maman," Camille explained, "but there was a man about to cross the street, and the cars hadn't even stopped for him. If I hadn't done anything he could have gotten very hurt."

Her mother's shoulders slumped in defeat and she returned her attention to the road, the cars finally inching forward a little. "I'm sorry, mon cheri, but I was worried about you. You could have been hit by a car!"

Both were silent the rest of the way, and Camille was absentmindedly twiddling her thumbs and tapping her feet to the beat of the music softly playing in the car. Throughout this whole ordeal, Camille's nervousness had been completely vanquished, and the churning of her stomach had stopped. For some reason, the school didn't seem so frightening anymore.


Unbeknownst to Camille, the man in the red floral shirt walked down the crowded street confidently. His head was standing proudly and he was softly humming a tune that only he could hear.

Master Fu had just found his next Miraculous holder.


Hello new readers!

I've recently noticed that every time I post a chapter, a duplicate chapter is posted as well. I don't know how to fix this, but I encourage you to just skip past those duplicate chapters. There is nothing I can do about, and I am very sorry. I do hope you enjoy this book though! Remember to VOTE and COMMENT to help me out on my grammar and mistakes! Thank you so much! <3

Your confused author,


Word Count: 880

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