[2]-Bad to Worst

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A/n- Enjoy this chapter!~Ja nei

[2]-Bad to Worst

"We must execute him!"

I'm pretty sure you are all bewildered by what is going on, remarkably I will indulge you with the altercation that is transcending now.

Naruto Uzumaki the blonde male jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune had accomplished undesirable.............. recognition, from the civilian council, or as he proclaims them ancient fools. Naruto's gained victory from a consent brawl with his team was NOT 'adequate' for the ancient fools, as they declared a verdict opposing the law of Konohagakure.

As you can guess Naruto is accounted for this... whatever THIS is, he has remained inarticulate subsequent to the feud between Tsunade and the council, well exceedingly akin to the council complaining and Tsunade inaudibly whispering the council's deaths.

Naruto sighed beginning to get fairly indignant with all the fuss, he has been here for 2 hours and zilch is getting done, hence him stand up slowly with his eyes shut lightly before snapping them open and glaring at the civilian council and releasing killing intent directly towards them.

"Stop exerting akin to children!"

Everyone in the boardroom went mute when Naruto's voice reverberate echoed around the room.

"*sigh* You are all adults and should rationalize so, I also racked my brain over this..." Naruto gazes at the authorities that sat around the table steadily, trying to deem a term that won't antagonize the ancient fools and Tsunade herself, "altercation, you all speculated that I, Naruto Uzumaki, have formulated a plan to start an all out... dispute, between my brother by anything but blood, my companion, and a man whom I even respect when I'm the most disrespectful guy out there." Naruto said with a voice that caused the shinobi council to straighten up to attention, the shinobi council all thought the same thing, "He has a Kage aura." Naruto sighed in discontent before he sat down to continue, "Now the issue you had brought up is an irrelevant one, to say the least," the civilian council made a noise of disagreement and outrage at the statement, "I, along with my team already had condonance from Hokage-sama, thus the altercation you had brought up was previously dealt with accordingly by the Hokage herself, so is there anything else you have a problem with?" Naruto said vaguely exhausted from having to deal with the ancient fools.

In the shinobi council out of all of them, Tsume Inuzuka laughed out loud, some laughing with her, others trying to keep from laughing and other smirking in amusement. Naruto took into account that they all held a small amount of respect in their eyes as they looked at him, "I like this kid!" Tsume exclaimed while smiling broadly, some of the shinobi council nodded and others chuckled.

"Yes! What's a demon brat doing here in the first place!" One of the more irrelevant council members shouted irritated, Naruto sighed getting slightly enervated from the ancient fools, "First and foremost, I was accounted to come by the Hokage, secondly this has everything to do with me, lastly the question should be what are you doing here," The shinobi council stifled their laughs as the civilian council made a noise of disagreement and outrage once again, "because the last time I read the law and history of Konohagakure that our Hokage had all control over her shinobi, kunoichi and male ninjas and citizens of Konoha akin. And that the civilian council only handled CIVILIAN problems and are only to give advice as ADVISORS to the Hokage when it comes to Hokage-sama's shinobi, and also that the Hokage can ignore your advice, you should only be here during wartime, other then that you are not required to be here, this is a dictatorship, not a democracy." Naruto said, he was honestly livid about the whole entire ordeal, he knew they hated him, but to go this far.

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