(Silver Death's P.O.V.)

I wake up yelling.

I need to stop waking up like that. I don't even know why I was screaming but Wanda looks pale as a sheet. She saw what was going through my head. "What just happened?"
She shakes her head, and pulls her knees to her chest. "No. I can't say."
"Wanda? Are you okay?"

Everyone was busy watching me, they only now looks at her. Vision is the one who asked.

When she doesn't reply he turns on me "What did you do?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean 'I don't know?'"
"I don't know what I was dreaming about. Or what she found."
"A lot. I found a lot."

Vision turns back to her when she says this "what do you mean?"
"The doctor, he blew himself up to get you out. So did that boy."
"Anatoly and Damian. That's their names."
"You saw the third soldier get killed."
"I think he was Anatoly's son."
"Why did Damian try to help you?"
"He was the thirds best friend. I think."

Someone's hand starts to smooth my hair, I make sure it's silver and my eyes electric blue. Clint walks out of the cockpit. "We're here."

I hadn't even realized we landed. I don't think many did.

As soon as the door opens Wanda runs out, past three people. Fury, and two females, a little girl in between the adults, holding their hands. Tony gets off and the little girl looks at the woman holding her hand. "Who's that?"
"Our daughter."

Going to a weapons locker I grab a small hand gun, attaching it into its holster and do the same with a knife. Everyone other that Steve, James and I have left the jet.

I stand, grabbing hold of my bag, and walk out of the jet. The three are still standing on the roof, I walk up to Fury, "I thought I killed you."
"No, you infiltrated my office, hacked my computer and took information. Not once did you even attempt it."
Nodding I turn to the woman "and you are?"
"What is your association with the Avengers?"
"Why would you like to know?"
"Not sure. Am I allowed to ask this question or should I move on?"
"I am Tony Starks girlfriend."
"He's lucky to have you."

She looks surprised that those words came out of my mouth. I look at the girl. "You must be Aly."
"I am. How are you?"
"Confused. How are you?"
"Good. Pepper has been helping me with my math."
"Then I'm sure your very smart."
"I am."

She releases Furys hand and looks at Pepper. "We have a meeting now right?"
"Yes." She looks at me "is she allowed to come with me?"
Knitting my brows together I look her dead in the eye "Of course."

She nods and they start walking towards the elevator. I wander the roof with Fury watching me and go to the edge of the building.

"Ms. Rice, what at you doing?"
"Looking at the city."

He steps up beside me. "Your daughter is very intelligent."
"Then she will know not to even bother with me."
"I'm a train on a bridge that's giving away. I'm going to end in a wreck."

He hums, "let's go inside. The others are probably anxious to get you off this roof."
Stepping away from the ledge "not like I'm going to jump. If you can't die, what's the point?"

We share the elevator ride down to the living area, Thor is standing on the balcony with a man I've never met. I know who he is though.

They come inside and sit with Steve and James on the couches. Fury sits at the bar and I lean against a wall away from the others. "Lady of Silver, come sit with us."

Looking down to my feet I push off of the wall, moving to the open chair off to the side of the couches.

"Hello Loki."
"How do you know me?"
"HYDRA is interested in you. They want your powers. Abilities."

He glances to his brother raising an eyebrow, Thor touches his temple with his pinky finger, then quickly spins his hand so his thumb is touching it.

"She's crazy? Is everyone here?"
Thor sighs and shoots an apologetic glance my way. "She was, um, what's the word I'm looking for?"
"My head was put through hell, and dragged back unwillingly. They destroyed my memories of the last few years."
"I see. You are only aware of me because of this HYDRA you speak of?"
"Yes." Glancing away from him I see movement coming from him and lean forward "is there a different reason I should?"
"No, just curious."
"I know you're a trickster Mr. Luefayson, I may not remember much but I am no fool."
"Of course not, I was not meaning you were."

Smiling I grab the knife from my leg strap and spin to the real Loki that's standing behind me with a full bottle of whiskey raised, touching the tip of my knife to his chin "I suggest that you do not swing that. You will not live another day."

His projection that's sitting beside his sibling dissipates leaving a startled brother beside an empty cushion.

"Like I said. I'm not an idiot."

Standing I exit the room, letting my legs take me where they choose. I'm left standing in front of a door. Opening it the room inside smells as if no one has been in it in a long time. Closed off and left alone.

There's dust on the table, a plastic cover over the bed and one on a chair. Opening the closet there are clothes inside, the person that used to be in this room didn't care much for fashion, but more for movement, comfort and durability.

Pulling skinny jeans from the shelf and a light blue t-shirt from a hanger I shut the door again and change into it, in the bathroom.

I hide my arms with a grey zip up, flipping the hood over my hair and letting it go natural, my eyes stay be same as before- pitch black.

Before leaving the room I open the curtains, letting in the bright sun showing the dust floating through the air.

I wonder for a few minutes before coming to the lab. Dr. Banner and Tony are in there, I walk in startling them.

They may try and talk to me but I lay on a empty table, arm under head, knees bent close to my chest. There's a package on the table beside mine. Wax seal intact.

"What's the package for?"

Rolling over I look at Steve. "Why?"
"You sent it for my birthday."
"Oh. Happy birthday."

I roll back over, staring at the pack. "What's in it?"

Steve comes into view, and the two others stop what they were doing to watch us. Someone leans against the table I'm on shifting it slightly. "I'm not sure. Haven't opened it yet."
"Open it."

He pulls on a string, undoing the bow and pulling that the seams, not breaking the seal.

There's a wooden box under the wrapping, holding nesting dolls. When he pulls them out I sit up, curious about what I got him.

The first one I see has the Hulk on it? As he turns it around Banner's face appears on it. Thor makes the next doll, hammer raised in one side pop tart in the other, Vision is next, stone glowing and everyday clothes, Iron man makes appearance with Tony's face on the other side. Clint with a bow and then with a child. Wanda, has her hands raised with tendrils around them and a spatula in another, Sam with wings and the other in a park, and then Natalia. Gun raised and in a ballet dress, hair up in a bun. James with a mask on, arm up to swing, then with it petting a dog. Steve is the last doll, his shield coming out from his hand and then him, eyes shut, lips slightly parted. Hair messy, cheek pressed to a purple pillow case, an arm stretched out.

Why did I paint him like that?
Or any of them like that?

He starts to put them back together, all the war zone type paintings to one side, the gentle ones to to the other.
When he picks it up he looks at he hulks face "How the world sees us,"  carefully turning it "how you see us."

"I don't think I've ever petted a dog."
"Shut up James." Now I know who's leaning in my table.

Laying back down I stare at this ceiling, ignoring James who is looking down at me. "You should talk with Al."
Making eye contact "not until I can remember something."
"I'm faking it James. I don't remember anything about anyone in this tower."

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