Chapter 3- Step off the feild

Start from the beginning

I crossed my arms and shook my head, "No way, she started it." My voice had a whining tone that even surprised me a little. I sounded like a 7 year old.Marcelo, along with the rest of the team, cross their arms and gave me a murderous look. "Fine!" I stormed to the locker rooms. Paige was outside of the girls locker room texting on her phone.

"Look." I started. She narrowed her eyes at me and put a head phone in her ear. "Paige, please." She put the other headphone in. "Really?" I soon heard the sound of what sounded like broken techno. "Paige!" I pulled one headphone out her ear making her spin around, her eyes blazing with anger. "What! What do you want?"

"Look, it's not my fault your so inbalanced-" She groaned loudly and walked passed me to the parking lot. "Marcelo!" She turned towards the feild. "I'm taking your car for a bit." His eyes shifted from me to her as he nodded.

"I tryed." I said to them without making any eye contact. My eyes focused on the patch of grass that had been torn up from our cleats. "Lets just practice." Marcelo mumbled. I felt my friends eyes on me, Marcelo was probably the closest one to me on the team. I looked up and met his eyes, he held a smile but his eyes had disappoint.

*Paige's point of view*

Usually when I'm mad, I scream and kick and throw a tantrum, when I am really mad, I cry. Fighting it, I blinked nonstop. As hard as I tryed, one by one the tears came down. "I hate him." I mumbled to myself. Memories came back from high school of him teasing my friends.

"Stop it, please!" Jonas threw his hands forward in an attempt to push Cristiano off him. "Why, faggot? I thought you liked men on you?" Cristiano sneered, his friends stood behind him mocking and video taping. "I'm not gay!" Jonas yelled. "I never did anything to you, Cristiano!"

"Let him go Cris." My friend Drew came in defense.

Drew was muscular and was on thebaseball team, but he wasn't within Cristiano's circle. "Don't you think he's had enough?" Cristiano jumped up. In all reality, it looked like Cris was scared of Drew. Of course, he would never admit it. I hated myself for being a wall flower, especially when one of my friends was being hurt, but there was nothing I could do. "Whatever Andrew. I was just playing with him." "Leave the poor guy alone, man. You look like a jerk."

His calm voice oddly made me tremble. Cristiano narrowed his eyes and looked down at Jonas who was still forloin on the floor. "Hope you can clean our your piss stains." He gave him one kick in the side and walked down the hall. Drew held his hand out to Jonas who gradually accepted it. And thats how Drew and Jonas became friends. We later became friends with Dumbo when he transfered to our school.

The sound of car honking snapped me jump and kick me out of my thoughts. New anger boiled up inside me. He was such an arrogant jerk! He never changed, and probably never will.

It was about the time practice ended. I sat in Marcelo's car, not wanting to get out. After 30 minutes he jogged to the car with a smile on his face. "Paige!" He smiled. "Marcelo." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Are you alright?" He got closer to my face. "Uhm. Fine.."

He got closer, bursting my private bubble. "Just making sure." He whispered. I turned my head quickly, "Lets go." He cleared his throat and looked at the steeriing wheel before asking where I wanted to go. "Anywhere. Just not his house, not yet." "You can stay at my house.." He whispered at the steering wheel. "Marcelo, that's very nice of you..but-"

"It's okay, just asking." He put the car in drive and soon we were speeding at dangerous speeds down the road. The ride was quiet. "You know." He spoke, "I don't know why he treats you like this. He never acted like this." I scoffed and turned to look out the window. "He was actually-"

"Pleased to have a new punching bag?" Marcelo's eyes widened, "If he hits you, call me." I smiled, "He was actually what?"

The car slowed to a stop and he turned to me, "excited."I snorted and began laughing. "Right, excited to see me? We've been rivals since like, the 7th grade."

"Oh well a few weeks ago, he came to practice saying that he was expecting you. He seemed excited, atleast to me."I shook my head in disbelief and turned to him again. His eyes were on me and he smiled again. "Give him time, maybe he's not use to seeing you again." He started chuckling,

"You look so different, you probably put him through shock." I looked through the car mirror. I didn't believe I changed all that much.I had the same dark brown hair as I always did, just longer, I'm still short, the only thing different is that I am more busty than in high school, which isn't helping much in football. "How so?" He turned back to the road as blush creeped on his face, "You're more beautiful than you were before." I turned my head so he wouldn't see my face.

"Oh." I felt my face hot. "Thank you."

He pulled up to his driveway and unbuckled his seatbelt. "You coming?" I sighed and looked at my friend, my oh so confusing friend. He stood infront of the car waiting for me to get out and smiled when I closed the door behind me. "Welcome to my humble abboad." I opened the door behind him and steped into his huge living room. "Like it?"

My mouth hung ajar as I turned in a circle observing his nice decorating. "The offer still stands, if you want to stay the night." He whispered in my ear. My face changed scarelet as I felt his hot breath on my ears. "Uhm well."

"Please." He begged. "Uhm.." I shook my head and gave in, "Okay."

Rock The Rants(Cristiano Ronaldo)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now