Chapter Thirty Four- Barbecue

Start from the beginning

"So are you gonna say hi to me or am I invisible?" I hear Elijah say as he stands up from the table.

"Sorry! Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't get back to you the other day I've been so busy-"

"Don't worry about it- uh Amy this is my girlfriend Amelia, Amelia this is my little sister" he says as he gestured to the girl stood beside him.

"Oh hi, it's so nice to meet you! You look amazing" I compliment her as I notice her wearing red doc martins. My type of girl.

"And you! I've heard so much about you" she smiles as she gives me a friendly hug.

"Oh god, whatever he has told you it's not true" I joke as I point to Elijah making him laugh whilst rolling his eyes. I sit at the end of the table opposite where I can see Rain's stuff is.

"Is Klaus here yet?" Elijah asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah unfortunately, the car ride here was one of the worst I have ever had in my life! If he sits next to me I will actually drop kick him I swear down, he's so fucking rude" I say as I roll my eyes making them both laugh.

"Has he brought his girlfriend?" My Dad asks and I nod.

"Yeah- great I'm the only single one at this barbecue, what's fucking new" I sigh. I mean was this technically true? I don't know. Me and Harry hadn't discussed the terms and conditions of our... well whatever we have going on yet. But let's just say if he got with someone else I would never speak to him again.

"You'll find someone eventually sis, besides good things come to those who wait" Rain surprises me by turning up behind me and speaking.

"Well I think I've waited too long, kinda bored now" I joke as she sits in the chair in front of me.

"Oh guess who has just showed up!" Rain says excitedly making me frown. I didn't realise anyone else was invited.

"Who?" Me and Elijah both asks at the same time.

"Klaus' friend the really sexy one with the tattoo's and muscles, oh what's his name?" She says making me eyes widen. She's got to be talking about Harry right?

"Harry's here?" I ask and she smiles.

"Harry! That's it! Yeah he's here, he's always invited I think Mom fancies him to be honest" she laughs making me laugh too.

"Harry's here? Oh good! Someone who I can actually talk to about golf and not sit and listen to you girls going on about god knows what shit" My Dad surprises me by saying making me laugh. He's just so straight forward and down to earth it makes my heart melt.

"Look what the cat dragged in... Was just about to say that I missed you bro" Elijah jokes and I frown rolling my eyes.

"Shut up dickhead, guys this is my girlfriend Jade- Jade this is my brother Elijah, my sister Rain, you know Amy and this is-"

"Oh this is my girlfriend Amelia" Elijah informs him and Klaus shakes her hand and kisses her on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you" Jade says to Elijah as she hugs him and then does the same with Amelia and Rain.

"Oh and this is my Dad, Dad this is Jade my girlfriend" Klaus says as he moves over to my father.

"Oh wow aren't you a sight for sore eyes, it's lovely to meet you sweetheart you call me Edward" My father shakes Jades hand and pecks her on the cheek before they both sit down. The table falls awkwardly silent for a minute as we all sit there. Luckily they had chosen to leave two chairs in between me and them and hopefully my Dad will fill these in.

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