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Taylor's POV

6 months later...

Life is amazing. Life is perfect at the moment. I'm happy, Matts happy, we're happy. Both of us are still going so strong in our amazing relationship. I love him so much.

Since the incident 6 months ago with Logan I've been worried about him ever since. I've been messsaging him non stop for ages now and the only thing that he's replied back saying is "I'm fine you don't need to worry about me." I was kinda sad about how that's the only thing he texted me back about. But we all have to move on right?

It's currently 22nd September, my birthday. EEEEKK IM REALLY EXCITED!!! I'm gonna be 20 years old today, damn I feel like an old woman already.
(A/N: I know Matt is 30 in real life but just imagine he is around 23 in this book, haha thanks.)

I finally flutter my eyes open. What.the.hell
My mouth fell to the ground. THIS IS SO CUTE!!

He seriously filled my room with heart balloons on my birthday

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He seriously filled my room with heart balloons on my birthday. Oh my days, this man is too cute. I slowly emerged from my bed and slipped on my favourite unicorn slippers. From the corner of my eye I noticed a trail of heart shaped paper in a trail on the floor. I decided to follow the trail...into the living room. There was Matt cooking breakfast, ugh it smelled delicious. I quietly laughed to myself as he was wearing an apron which says "Cooking King." Using my great spy skills, I silently tip toed behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist so I pulled him into a big hug.
"AGHH!" He screamed and accidentally dropped his pancake on the floor. His face was PRICELESS. I laughed so hard until my stomach ached.
"You fucking scared the life out of my Taylor!" He whined, and we both look down at his poor pancake on the floor. I looked up to see him frowning childishly. I started laughing again, and trust me once I start laughing I can't stop.
"Awh baby, I'm so sorry about your pancake." I told him.
"It's no problem babe, I'll make another because look what my apron sayssss! And happy birthday boo." He smiled and pecked my lips.

Suddenly, he picked me up and ran into the living room, throwing me on the sofa.
"HEYY!" I screamed at him still laughing.
"Sorry boo, I'll be right back with your presents." He replied and winked cutely.

Minutes later he appeared back with a couple of presents all neatly wrapped up. Damn, I wasn't aware that he could wrap that well. He placed them all in front of me in a line.
"Open then princess!" He said as a large grin was plastered onto his face.

I started unwrapping the first present slightly feeling bad for destroying his amazing wrapping. He had given me a beautiful strapless purple dress, it looked so cute!! He also got me a diamond necklace, the newest Kylie Jenner lipstick set (I'm truly blessed) and a cute Gucci back pack.
"Awh baby thank you so much. You have spoilt me and I don't want you to feel like I'm using you for your money because that's not true." I whined.
"Baby it's okay, and I know your not using me because you deserve this. I love you and you love me, everything's fine cupcake." I love his cute nicknames.

"Oh and baby I have one more thing for you." He whispered into my ear. A purple envelope was placed in my lap.
"Open it poppet." He smirked. I opened the envelope carefully and inside was a card, it said...

To my dear Taylor,

HAPPY 20TH BABYYY! YOUR NOW THE BIG 20! I want you to have an amazing birthday (with me hehe) and I hope you enjoyed your presents. You mean the world to me, I love you so much princess. So here if your last present, I really hope you like it the most. Love you with all my heart,
Love Matt
Ps. We're leaving tonight ;) xoxo

When I finished reading the cute card, a piece of paper slipped out. I picked it up from the floor and opened it up.
Plane ticket.

"Oh.my.god. IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO PARIS. THANK YOU SO MUCH BABE!" I screamed and jumped into this arms placing kisses all over his face.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I repeated into his ear.
"Haha, your welcome sweetheart, now get packing. We're leaving in an hour!" He said and grinned at me. I ran into my room and begun my packing. This is gonna be great!

Skip to when they arrive in Paris :)...

We just arrived in Paris and it's amazing. We got off the plane not that long ago and we went straight to the hotel. It's a 5 star hotel, Matt picked the most expensive one. He said "I deserve the best" which made my heart melt, he's such a gentleman. The hotel room is beautiful, and it's huge! There's a king sized bed with big windows looking over Paris, oh and let's not forget the B I G ASS tv. Thank god it has Netflix.
"Baby?" Matt shouted from the bathroom.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Get ready to go out, put that dress on I brought you earlier. We're going out for your last surprise in half an hour so be ready!"
Oh know. I have half an hour to get ready? Better get started now then...
I put on my sparkly purple dress that he brought me and I wore some black flats on my feet. I'm not really a heels person. I did natural makeup, since I didn't really have time to do my full on make up face, I look fine I guess. I curled my long brown hair a little and went into the living room where I met Matt who was already waiting.

He wore a cute black suit with a bow tie. Damn he looked fucking hot. I was in awe.
"You look handsome baby." I complimented him.
"Why thank you, but you look absolutely stunning princess." He said as I blushed. We then walked downstairs to a black classic taxi, and begun our drive to the destination.
"Babyyyyyy? Where are we going?" I groaned.
"Babyyyyy, its called a surprise for a reason." He smirked. Ughhh
"When are we gonna get there?" I questioned again.
"A couple of minutes." He replied and rubbed my thigh.

We got here and damn was it beautiful at night.

WE'RE AT THE EIFFEL TOWER, YAYAYA! We got out the car and I remained in shock

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

WE'RE AT THE EIFFEL TOWER, YAYAYA! We got out the car and I remained in shock. I've always wanted to come here, it's one of the most beautiful places in the world.
"Awh baby it's so wonderful at night." I complimented, after that we interlocked our hands and went in the elevator right to the top. Once we got to the top the view was stunning. You could see the whole of Paris at night, and you could see the city lights which I liked the most. After looking at the view for a little while I turned my attention back to Matt.
Oh.my days. Is he gonna do what I think he is?!

"Taylor Woods I love you so much, you honestly mean the world to me. I would do everything possible to ever make you happy. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on and I'm so grateful to call you mine. But I want you to now be more than my girlfriend, I want you to be my parter. My partner in crime, my partner in life. I love you so so so so much, so will you do me the honour of marrying me?" Matt said while kneeling down on one knee. I could begin to feel my eyes get watery. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Matt is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Yes, yes yes!" I shouted and jumped into his arms.

"I love you my beautiful fiancé."

"I love you so much too."

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