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Future husband: but there's more because I didn't wanna put a whole essay in the box so I decided I'll write one myself

Future husband: so here we go....

Future husband: Taylor I don't know where to start... I've never fought for someone as hard as I've fought for you, which shows you mean the fucking world to me. I hardly open up to anyone but you have a way of making me feel better about everything. Yeah we our little arguments but we pull through and always learn from our mistakes. These little things are the things that make us stronger. Your the most sarcastic, stubborn, (cutely) annoying but your also the most incredible person I have ever met. And to think this all started with you sliding into my dm's 😂 You always understand me and my problems and I envy that. The best thing I like is that you love me for who I am, not what people try and capture me as.

Future husband: I would drop everything I'm doing just to meet you, what I'm trying to say is, I have no sleep at night thinking about you because your always on my mind. That promise ring is to show that I'll always be here for you no matter what. If anyone hurts you I will literally kill them. I would do anything and everything for you Taylor. I want you to be mine. So will you be my girlfriend?

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