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Taylor's POV

This is insane. The man I lov- I mean the man I like is right in front of me. I know I know, your all like "you either love him or not" but trust me, it's hard to know. He is so amazing, I just don't know if I love him yet...I think I do...I dont know right nowwww 😫
Actually, Taylor shut up, you love this amazing man with all your heart, and your not afraid or disappointed in that.
I do love him, he's the one for me.
My brain is currently all over the place, he's sitting next to me in MY house!! His hair was so cute and brushed back, sitting on his face were a pair of black Ray Bans making him look effortlessly cute and bad all together. I couldn't allow myself to look away from his stunning face. I'm so lost in his gorgeous brown eyes, I must be dreaming. This can't be real. How am I so blessed to have this man and call him mine?

I quickly snapped out of my day dream. Wow... that was embarrassing.
"Oh errrr sorry for staring" I nervously laughed.
"No it's fine, what's dat beautiful mind thinking about anyways?" He questioned
"......you" a huge grin appeared on my face.
"Awwww your so cuteeeee" he nudged me gently and wrapped his arms around my body pulling me closer to him.

I grabbed the controller for the TV and clicked on Netlflix. I put on Riverdale and we begun to watch the new episodes of season 3. I love that show.
"Taylor? Do you forgive me...?" I lifted up my head from his body and looked into his eyes,
"Of course, you've been forgiven ever since I've laid eyes on you at my door just now." I laughed and snuggled into his chest again.

I noticed from the corner of my eye that Matt kept looking at me.
"Whatttttt?" I mumbled whilst gently hitting his arm.
"I didn't say anything!" He grinned. I smirked and got up to put the flowers into some water.

After a few minutes of searching for a vase I finally gave up and settled with a cup to put the roses in. I put the cup of roses onto the window sill. "I honestly didn't think that you would react this well around me." I turned round and saw him leaning again the wall looking at me. "You never know, I could be screaming on the inside and pretending to be cool on the outside" I smiled and shrugged. He started getting closer to me, until now he was just inches away.

"Do you mind if I could have another hug?" I looked at him with a "really" face.
"You don't have to ask your girlfriend for a hug, silly" I said whilst jumping onto him once again but this time my legs wrapped around his waist. I was hanging off him like a koala, his strong hands griping my thighs so I don't fall.

He actually smelled like God, like how is that humanly possible? Everything about him was unrealistically unreal. He was like a drug that I'm addicted to. "You smell like a fucking god" I quietly whispered into his neck. I could hear him laugh at my comment and replied "you weren't suppose to hear that" as I giggled. This is man is amazing...

Just letting you know, that sadly soon (in a few more chapters) this book will come to an end :((( sorry
And, when I do finish this book I might make a Justin Bieber Texts or Jason Mcann story. Not quite sure yet, I might do both I dunno 🤔
Love yah,
Morgan ❤️

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