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Taylor's POV

"Damnit, get here you bloomin things." I snatch my car keys from the floor and turn around to lock my matte black Range Rover Sport. "Why are you in such a rush Taylor? The interviews don't start until another 30 minutes." I whispered to myself, I wanted to get in there early so I could buy some merch to show my support. I turn to face the huge building and speed walk inside through the big doors.

I arrive at the merch stall and I quietly thank myself because there's no queue yet. "Can I get you anything miss?" The worker asked me.
"Yes, I'd like to buy the medium shadow hunters shirt and jumper please." I said nervously.
"Sure, let me just go get them" she said back, turning away so she could go get the items.
"Here we go! And that will be £55.50 please."
I sighed about how expensive it was for just TWO pieces of clothing. I handed her the money and grabbed the stuff and walked away.

Everywhere started to get extremely busy now, so I found a quiet corner that was hidden away so no one could see me and slipped on my new and EXPENSIVE merchandise. Hard core fan girls in large groups were applying make up to their faces, bored parents were supervising their kids and there's me just waiting around by myself checking the time. "Crap, 2 minutes until the show" panicking, I walk fast into the area at the front of the stage where all the VIP'S were.
"Eeeeeekk I can't wait to see my babyyyyy" I whisper shouted to myself. I saw a couple of people pull weird faces at me then they left. Im not that embarrassing am I?

"Heyyyy guys!" I heard a deep but cute voice shout. I flicked my head towards the stage instantly. There he was. The guy I've been dreaming to see in months. He looked so cute, his hair was messed up a little (still looking amazing of course) he was wearing a light grey shirt with black ripped jeans. Damn 😍. I leaped up screaming with every other girl in here. I kinda felt bad for the people around me because I might have burst their ear drums...
Matt and the other cast sat down in comfy looking chairs.

Half an hour later, they finally got round to start interviewing Matt. I noticed he was scanning the audience, was he looking for me? His eyes met mine. Our eyes locked together. Until finally he had to look away, "Matt? Hello Matt?" The interviewer asked Matt as he was staring at me.
"Uhh sorry, what were you saying?" His cheeks went red as he apologised.
"I asked how are you?"
"Um, I'm great thank you." He muttered loud enough so everyone could hear.
"We thought we had lost you then Matt, you were in your own world, what were you thinking about Daddario?" The interviewer questioned Matt. He looked deep in thought for about 10 seconds then spoke.
"I'm thinking about this girl. Her name is Taylor, she's amazing, she's hilarious to talk to and she's caring. It's funny how one person can change your life and make you happier." Matt confidently spoke to everyone. His brown hazel eyes locked with mine again and he begun to pull a cheeky grin. I then felt everyone in the building burning holes through me with their stares. I turned bright red and bent my head down to awkwardly play with my fingers trying not to look too embarrassed.

Oh my god.
I finally finished writing this, it actually took forever to write😩
Sorry if there's any errors, I'm not that great at writing.
And, thank you guys so much for 200 reads!!! 🎉🎉
Love you all,
Morgan ❤️

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