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Credits to: mackiememezimagines.tumblr.com

Dan and Phil's tour in the US was over, so you, Dan, and Phil had a long flight home back to England. When you finally got home, all three of you were so relieved.

"Oh God! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!" Dan outbursts as he runs to his room, slamming the door behind him. Phil immediately dropped his bags at the door and jumped upon the couch, laying sprawled out. You scoff kicking Phil's bags out of the way as you tried to make it down the hallway.

"My friends are children." You mutter to yourself. You and Phil had known each other since University, but you didn't start dating him until your last year. After you graduated, Phil had found a place to stay in Manchester with Dan and you lived by yourself in London, but later on, Dan and Phil moved to London in the same apartment building as you. Phil says it was because he missed and there wasn't much space in that apartment anyway, but when Phil wasn't around, Dan would reveal that Phil was going crazy because he couldn't see you everyday and that was why he really wanted to move. You couldn't help but feel all warm inside to know this. Phil had to be the sweetest boy on the planet and there was no way you were going to let that go.

"Hey Phil, can I just crash here tonight?" You ask him. He smiles.

"Sure! More cuddles for me!" He exclaimed, pulling you down to the couch with him. You yelped as he started to tickle you. Eventually you managed to pry yourself away from his grip. Phil looked up at you with a cheeky grin on his face. "You know I hate that!" You say.

"I know, that's why I do it." He smirks. You scowl at him playfully as you walked to the kitchen.

"Whatever, I want waffles." You say randomly.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Phil jumps in front of you, blocking your path.

"What?" You ask.

"The way you eat waffles is a disgrace to man kind and I won't allow it." You laugh.

"I thought you were over that!" "There's a reason why I've hidden all the waffles from you ever since."

"Oh my God! So that's what happened to them! Why would you do that?"

"Because, the poor waffles needed to be safe!" You didn't eat waffles the way others did, and it drove Phil insane. It only took him one time to see you eat them to go nuts. Instead of pouring syrup on them and eating them with a knife and fork, you dipped them in syrup and ate them with your hand. Dan somehow heard Phil yelling at you and popped his head into the room.

"Are you going to torture Phil again by eating waffles?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You roll your eyes.

"Honestly, why is it such a big deal to you?" You exclaim.

"I only care about Phil's reaction." Dan said.

"Because it's evil." Phil said.

"I'm going to get the camera, this will make a great vlog!" and with that, Dan was off. While Phil wasn't looking, you ducked under his arm and ran into the kitchen. "Hey!" He cried, going after you. You laughed. You made it to the freezer but Phil's hand pushed against the door so you couldn't open it.

"No!" You yelled.

"Yes! It's for your own good!" You turned around to say something, but when you did, you found yourself awkwardly pinned to the refrigerator by Phil. You locked eyes and he gave you the adorable, sly smile that you couldn't resist. He leaned in to kiss you when...

"And here they are-" Dan had just walked in with the camera and almost dropped it when he realized what was happening.

"Well... um." He said, looking mortified. You hid your red face in Phil's chest.

"Dan... can you...?" Phil said with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment.

"Oh! Um... right. Yeah sorry, I'm going to... delete this video... and my life." He muttered the last part as he ran back to his room. You and Phil broke out in a fit of laughter.

"Now, where were we?" He says. You laugh, leaning in to kiss him, forgetting all about the waffles.

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