fourteen → who's tyler

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"Come to my house later with Lauren. Tyler, Maddie and Mom want to meet you." Mackenzie said, leaning on the bright red locker next to Johnny's. By now it's dismissal time already, but more than half of the students are still waiting for their fetchers.

"Who's Tyler?" Johnny said, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. He could tell Maddie was a sister, but not Tyler.

"My brother. He usually doesn't like boys my sister and I date, and I've had to keep him from beating them up before." She replied, her smile fading. Johnny's face was now in a worried state. His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance. "But that's not to discourage you. I just want you to be safe." She added, laughing at the end to lighten the mood.

"Okay." He replied, becoming more confident.

"Well, I have to go right now." She said, pushing herself up from the locker.

"Love you. See ya later!" She smiled, kissing him on the cheek, (Making sure people saw her, too.) and running down to the exit. He smiled.

"Hey." Lauren said, popping up from Johnny's side.
"Is it time to go yet?" She asked Johnny, waving her little hand in front of his face.

"Yeah, let's go." Her brother replied, grabbing her hand and walking down the hall.

"Johnny we're not babies anymore." Lauren laughed, disconnecting their hands. "Mom doesn't make us hold hands to show we're twins anymore. We're free." She added, wiping the sweat off her hand that she got from Johnny's.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous." He said, sweat rolling down his forehead. They were walking towards the parking lot right now. "We 're going to Kenzie's later and I'm afraid her brother's gonna beat me up."

His sister broke into a fit of giggles, her body begging for air. "We've seen him before. Across our house. He doesn't seem that harmful."

"True, but that's what he wanted to do to Kenzie's past boyfriends."

"Well, good luck." His sister encouraged him, ruffling his hair up and opening the car door.

Mackenzie's POV

"Mom! I'm home!" I exclaimed, closing the door. I was greeted by the image of her mother making a large lasagna for dinner.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Because your boyfriend and your best friend are coming over I–"

"Who's coming over?" A voice said behind me. I turn around to be greeted yet again by my brother speaking and sister just coming in the front door.

"My boyfriend and my best friend are coming over."
I repeated, walking over to my older brother.
"And you're not ruining this for me!" I added, smiling.

"Oh my gosh! It's your 3rd boyfriend!" Maddie said, being utterly annoying but relatable.

"Shoo, shoo, and get ready." I replied. What? I don't want to be embarrassed by my siblings with disgusting jeans and thrifted t-shirt (Directed at Tyler) and a silly goose jumping around the house excitedly (Directed at Maddie).


I need to get ready.

"Oh no! I think I burnt the lasagna!" My mom screamed, freaking out.

next chapter is gonna be interesting i think because >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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