thirteen → nobody knew

394 34 11

Third person POV

Mackenzie Ziegler. The most common name the students at Nothview has ever talked about. She walked into the school with her eyes crinkled up into a glare, her usual resting bitch face and her signature long batted eyelashes. Somewhere along the hall she ran into Jayden Bartels, and together they strut down the corridors of their highschool. They were later joined by the Orlando twins, and the group walked to their lockers, laughing, smiling, and enjoying their time being the popular kids. They were joined by Connor Finnerty, Carson Lueders and a few other famous rich kids that ruled the school.

"How much sugar do you think this has?" Kenzie asked,  looking slightly worried at her small drink.

"You did not just asked that." Johnny said, staring at her with his green orbs.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, but proceeded to wrap her hand around his left arm. Together they walked down the halls; being labeled as Northview Hugh's cutest power couple.

Time passed, and it was lunch. The bells rang, the students ran, and they ignored every teacher that shouted "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!".

They had their own table. A table all to themselves, no one else was allowed to sit there except the popular ones. That was Mackenzie Ziegler's #1 rule. If anyone breaks Mackenzie's trust, she'll make your life a living hell.

Nobody knew how and why she got her reputation fast.

Nobody knew her secret.

Nobody knew her project perfect plan.

kinda long chapter coming tomorrow or later? idk
-clare xoxo

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