seagull oppa: 🐇

seagull oppa: okay your turn

me: okay, but i am a little shy

me: 💩

seagull oppa: wow, my girl is smokin

me: oh stop it, i am blushing

seagull oppa: hahaha

me: thank you

seagull oppa: i didn't do anything

me: do you want my gratitude or not

seagull oppa: yes i want it

seagull oppa: ((((:

seagull oppa: are you feeling a little better?

me: kinda

seagull oppa: why is your life difficult right now?

me: i am a young broke college student who is struggling with school work

seagull oppa: i am sorry

me: it is okay, it is not your fault

seagull oppa: i can pay you back the money i owe you

seagull oppa: and if you need more, i can give it to you

me: no, no

me: after thinking, you have paid for enough things for me when we hang out so you don't owe me anything

me: and i don't want to ask you for your money, i will bad

me: don't worry, i am not that broke

seagull oppa: but if you ever do need money, i will give it to you

me: thank you jungkook

seagull oppa:

me: i have to go back to my homework

seagull oppa: okay, study hard

me: i will try my best

Sunday 4:11 PM

me: i am done with my life

seagull oppa: what

seagull oppa: no

seagull oppa: don't say that

me: well i am

seagull oppa: what is wrong?

me: i am just like really major stress right now

seagull oppa: you are really major stress right now?

me: yes

seagull oppa: i don't understand

me: i am super stressed

seagull oppa: ooh

seagull oppa: i am sorry :((

seagull oppa: you should take a break

me: i can't afford breaks

seagull oppa: yes you can

me: no i cannot because if i take a break, i will waste my time when i could be trying to figure out how to do these stupid problems for class and if i don't figure it out, i will fail the test and then i will fail the class and i will have to take it again and i cannot afford to pay to take it again

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