The only space available at our table was the empty space to my right, which was just enough room for Dylan to sit at. He took his seat, calmly. “Of course I remember,” he looked directly at me. “She has a killer serve.”

       How could he be so calm about this, while I’m sitting here feeling awkward as hell.

       Wow. He really is an amazing actor to keep up his ‘I’m the Cool Guy’ act for this long.

     I pointed a finger at him as I pretended not to recognise him. “Oh yeah… You’re-... Dylan? Right?”

       “Damn,” he smirked. “I hoped you wouldn’t forget me.” As I finally looked him in the eyes at such a close distance, I noticed that his eyes weren’t green at all -- they were a creamy hazel color. Wow. How could I mistake them for green this long?

        I guess I never took the time to really look.

      “Sorry to disappoint,” I told him, and held his gaze as his smile grew wider. I looked away before he could say anything more.

        “Can we order now that everyone’s here?” Said Dane as he shifted in his seat next to Taylour. “I’m effing starving.”

         Kai chimed in. “Dude you literally ate two sandwiches on the way here. I think you’ll be okay.”


       Lunch turned about to be really fun, despite being squashed between awkwardly calm Dylan and his obnoxious counterpart Kai. Don’t get me wrong, Kai is a fun dude. But when he gets excited, he has a tendency to move around a little too much. Unfortunately he and Dane decided to have a heated yet, hilarious argument over Nikes vs. Jordans and they even tried to drag me into it.

       “Jordan, you seem like a reasonable lady,” said Kai, turning to me. “Aren’t Jordan’s better than lame ass NIkes?”

        “Okay, you clearly can’t have her on your side, -- her name is Jordan!”

       The conversation was entertaining, and I really felt comfortable with these guys. It was like the volleyball game at the beach all over again, except I felt closer than before. I can definitely see myself hanging with them often after today.

       Too bad it was only for a lunch period; soon we all had to get back to our classes. As we sat and waited for our individual bills, Dylan leaned in and spoke quietly, but casually. “Do you mind staying after for a second?”

        I gave him a suspicious look. It was the first thing that he said directly to me since we faked our reintroduction an hour earlier.

        “I just need to talk to you. I can drive you back to your next class.”

     “Sure,” I said, right as the waiter appeared with our bills. I was just as curious as I was confused. But after we paid, I went up to Rachel and told her that My stomach was hurting hella bad and that I was “thinking about just going home.” She nearly freaked out and asked if she wanted me to drive her there. I told her that I didn’t want her too, in fear of throwing up in her car. I told her my apartment was a block away and that “the extra air would be great.” I pulled a billshit story out of nowhere just to avoid saying that I was staying behind to talk to Dylan and that he’d give me a ride back to campus.

      I didn’t want to give anyone else a reason to believe that there’s something going on between us, even if his group of friends already think that. They don’t need to add proof to a false cause. I’m just an awkward and paranoid girl. He’s just a boy with lingering, not-green-but-hazel eyes.

        So they all left except for Dylan who waited for me as I pretended to use the bathroom. We went outside and stood by an empty outdoor table, shaded by its massive umbrella. I decided to take a seat. He remained standing.

        “I’m just gunna cut to the chase -- this is awkward,” he said with his infamous smirk.

        “Oh you really think so?” I crossed my legs and looked up at him.

      “I had no idea that you’d be back in town, much less attend UCLA and write a movie that I’d audition for.”

        “You had no idea? Wow, you had me fooled. I’ve ran into so many times since I’ve gotten here, I thought that you were stalking me.”

        He gave an uneasy laugh and shook his head. Once I caught him glance down, I knew that I had broken him. That cool guy persona went away as soon as he stuck his hands into his pockets and kept his eyes downcast. “Do you know how hard it is to stay cool after being taken by surprised by you so many times in a row?” He paused and looked back up. “You--” he started, but then stopped. “I’m not sure if I should keep talking to you until casting is over…” He looked towards the parking lot. “I don’t wanna like, violate rules or something, in fear of doing or saying something stupid.”

        I laughed without meaning to. I never thought about that. What an actor says or does can affect if they get the role or not. That goes for any type of employment process. The fact that Dylan and I already knew each other before casting is already one thing. If anything happens between us from here on out, it can definitely determine if he lands the role or not. But I’d rather not have him thinking that we can’t be friends. He has no clue that he’s a dead ringer for this main role, and it’s killing me that I can’t just declare him the male lead right here and now but I can’t give anything away just yet. So a little white lie won’t hurt.

        “I honestly don’t know exactly how this thing works,” I said. “And I can’t tell you things that I don’t really know. But I tell you what…” At this point he was looking me in the eyes again. “You’re an amazing actor. Even if you don’t land this role, for some stupid reason, please keep auditioning for different projects. I don’t want to see you waste your talent by giving up after one unsuccessful role written by some mediocre college student.”

       He didn’t say anything at first. He just smiled.

      “Those are some super gracious words from some mediocre college student.”

     “Yeah well at least I actually meant them. Thats all that matters, right?”

     “Right.” He just stared at me, smiling, until I suddenly laughed again, out of nervousness.

    “Okay. We gotta go,” I said, standing up. “You’re probably hella late for class right now.”

    “Nah, don’t worry bout me,” he said, as he began to lead me too his car. “You’re late, too.”

    “Yeah but I’m going home… My stomach hurts like crazy.”

     He stopped dead in his tracks. “Are you okay?” He asked with worry in his eyes. I waved him off and kept walking.

    “I think I ate too much. That burger was freaking amazing. I’d eat another one if my stomach wasn’t kicking my ass for it.”

       Dylan laughed and continued to lead me to his car.

     At least I wasn’t lying this time; my stomach actually did feel funny. But it wasn’t because of a burger.

     To be honest, Dylan was pretty contagious. . 

      I had every right to feel a little nauseous.

Nothing More I Want. Blake Griffin Fanfic pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now