;;Part 4

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“Now Jordo, are you sure about this?”

                “Ugh, dad – of course I am!” I said through the phone. I paced around my apartment bedroom. “This is like, a life changing event. I can’t pass this up.” I told him everything that happened earlier, from start to finish.

                “You should wait until you get a hold of this woman –”

                “—her name is Mary.”

                “Okay – Mary. You should wait until you talk to her before you go running off to California like that. Wait until you know what you’re getting yourself into. What if you don’t want to make this deal?”

                “But dad, that’s the thing, I want to,” I stopped pacing and frowned as if he were actually here to see it. “This is a dream come true. I can wait until I hear from her, but regardless, I still want to go.” I paused short enough to add another thing. “And I’m going.”

                My dad went quiet. The next thing he said really hit me hard. “Are you sure you’re not just going to be with that Griffin boy?”

                “Dad. Are you kidding me?! Is that honestly what you think?”

                “Look, Jordan, I’m happy for you; I love to see you succeed. But why are you so quick to go back there? I just think that you would be safer back here, close at home. So that if things don’t do so well, we are still in touch. It’ll make things easier, I promise you.”

                I was this close to throwing my phone across the room.

                “Dad…” I didn’t even know what to say. I sighed. “I got another class coming up soon so I gotta go. I’ll -… I’ll talk to you later. Love you.” After he said ‘okay, I love you too’, I hung up the phone and threw it onto my bed; trying so hard not to feel defeated.

                Honestly, I knew my dad was at least somewhat right. And I hated that, sooo much. He’s afraid that Blake will be a huge distraction while I’m down there working on this movie. Now that I think about it; that’s probably true.

                But wait no. He wouldn’t be… He’ll be too busy traveling from city to city and playing games to even spare two seconds with me. I’ll be caught up in my production work to even be bothered with him, and he’ll be thousands of miles away. Like usual…

                I’ll call my dad and tell him that, I thought. I’m sure he’ll he happy to hear it.

                Whatever makes me the happiest seems to make him the most upset.

                I took a breath, grabbed my bag, and headed out for my next class. The only thing to do now is wait to hear from Mary, and pray that my dad lets me go through with this. I’m not sure what I’ll do if he says no.

                Over the next week I tried my best to avoid as many people as possible – while trying to make it seem like I wasn’t at the same time. So many people tried to stop me and as a gazzilion questions; half of which were totally irrelevant. Even my roommates were flippin’ out. But I still kept my cool. Surprisingly.

                What kept me going was my best friend Chelsea, a couple of Starbucks caramel frapaccinos, and my anticipation to hear back from Mary. After looking over the papers and information that was in the folder the Dean gave me, my excitement rose. Among the papers was the printed out e-mail that Mary Prescott had sent, asking about me. She described, in vivid detail, everything that she loved about my screenplay. Every word she said made me smile even wider.

Nothing More I Want. Blake Griffin Fanfic pt. 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant