;;Part 11

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“Hey Jordan, do you wanna go out to lunch today?” Rachel asked as soon as class was over.

       Even though the Starbucks drink from earlier was still in my system, a burger and some fries sounded really good right now. “Yasss,” I smiled, overexageratting my hunger. I was in such a good mood after this morning. “Where are we going?”

       “In-N-Out Burger,” she said and laughed when my jaw dropped in excitement. “Would it be cool if a few others came with? They’re pretty chill, I think you’d enjoy them.”

       “Yeah, sure, that would be fine,” I said, genuinely, kinda looking forward to meeting new people. But I was more interested in getting some of that In-N-Out. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

       “Awesome,” Rachel said as she whipped out her phone. “They’re probably already there. Let’s goo~”

       As soon as we arrived, Rachel lead me to the table that her besties said they would be. There were three of them at a booth, leaving just enough space for me and Rachel to join. When we were in earshot, Rachel cheerfully let them know of our presence and they all looked up and turned around. Two good looking guys and a blonde girl. One look at their faces and the memory came flooding back.

       “Aayy,” said one of the guys, with a smirk. The lanky Asian one.  The others smiled and I caught them looking me over before their expressions changed. Their look of recognition must have matched mine as I stood in front of them and raised an eyebrow.

       “Okay…” I said slowly. “I’m pretty sure I’ve meet each and everyone of you before.”

       “Yeah!” Said the blonde. “You’re a friend of Chelsea’s right?”

      “Mhm.” I smiled back. “We met while playing a volleyball game on the beach,” I said, going back to the memory.

    “Oh my fucking God, THATS where I remember you from!” Rachel said, backhanding my shoulder with a goofy smile. “It took me this long to figure it out, I knew that I knew you from somewhere.” Everyone including myself laughed. The other guy, Dane, yelled out “Are you kidding me, Rachel??” and I laughed even more. Then I shrugged.

      “Yo, to be honest, I should have recognized you,” I said to Rachel “ I never thought I’d see you all again, That was a really fun night.”

   “Hell yeah,” said the Asian guy, who’s name I know is Kai. “I remember me, you, and Dylan kicking everyone’s ass in that game, though.”

     “Ha!” I laughed as I took my seat next to him, but Dylan’s name was what caught my attention.

    “Speaking of, where the hell is he?” Said Rachel as she sat by the other girl, Taylour, and Dane on the opposite side of me. She scanned the restaurant for the boy, looking disappointed. “I thought he’d be here.”

      “Calm down, Rachel, I was here before you,” said a voice from behind where Rachel was sitting. Instead of looking up, I immediately went to avoiding his eye contact completely. A habit that I had to get over quickly, seeing our present state. Judging by his amazing audition last night, I could easily say that we will be working together. But going from last night to right now made the realization more awkward. Last night seemed like it happened weeks ago. It was extremely weird to see him again so soon. The worst part was that no one knew about him and I -- Not that there’s much to “know”. He’s just a flirty guy with great acting abilities. Who I’ve seem to run into almost every week since I’ve arrived in town.

      “Hey, you remember Jordan right?” Said Rachel to the tall boy towering over us as he stood at the outside of the booth. “Last summer, at the beach?”

Nothing More I Want. Blake Griffin Fanfic pt. 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt