;;Part 3

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I am seriously not a morning person.

                Never was.

                Never will be.

                So when I find myself waking up, about 30 minutes late to my first class, you already know that I was not gunna have it. Usually I’d be in rush, trying to make up for the lost time. You would think that seeing as though this is the starts of my last year at this college, I would be really trying to keep things top-notch and fast paste. But nope. Today I sauntered and took my time getting ready. Out of nowhere I just felt so tired, and something in my chest felt heavy.

                Saturday night should have left me happy but today; I felt like shit.

                Turns out my roommates were going to be a little late coming back home from their vacation, which left the apartment to myself for a few more days. Sunday (yesterday) I did nothing at all. I wasn’t use to long plane rides, and I guess it didn’t hit me ‘til the day after I got off.

                It’s okay, I told myself as I made the short trek to Cudahy Hall. You’ll be okay. I hiked my backpack higher up on my back as I kept walking. I took a different way than what I normally would to get to the hall, seeing as though I really didn’t want to deal with any human contact. I wasn’t really sure how I was going to stand this lecture today.

     I’m majoring in English. Hoping to finish writing my second screenplay; which I totally abandoned this summer. The first one I completed and even submitted into a few writing festivals last year. I got great feedback and even a cash prize for my work, which I’m still proud of ‘til this day. I look forward to doing more festivals and possibly get it onto the big screen. That would be the coolest shit.

       If I had the time, I’d film it myself. I have connections with a few certain people; I could ultimately get it done myself. If I truly had it my way, I’d star in it, too. Acting has always been my number one fav. But for now, I’ll settle with submitting it into contests and festivals. As much as I hate to admit it, I have other things I need to focus on; like managing college and my painstakingly long-distance relationship.

      My next big concern was how I was going to sneak into this class without being seen. I purposely went through the back doors, creeping into a spot in the way back, but I was able to take a seat. As soon as I thought I was off the hook, Prf. Winston changed his subject topic to discuss my sudden presence.

      “How nice of you to join us after your… boisterous vacation, Ms. Hasket.” Prf. Winston said, with an unclear expression.

      Of course, the English teacher would be the one to use words that I don’t feel like knowing, especially not this early. I never was one for “expanding my vocabulary,” even if I wanted to be a screenwriter. But based off the context, I’m guessing “boisterous” means fun or exciting or something. I shook my head, knowing exactly what he meant by that.

      As soon as he made it clear that I was present, everyone in the hall turned and looked at me. Before I replied to the professor, the room filled with whispers. I was straight under the spotlight – the center of the show. They already knew my answer. But they wanted me to say it anyways.

      “Yeah,” I laughed shortly, to cover up my embarrassment. I tried playing cool. “Here I am.”

      “How’s Blake?” Someone said from a few rows down.

      Now if I weren’t already lazy from my tiredness, I would have had a fit from that comment. Inside, I was surging with adrenaline and my heart was beating pretty hard, but yet I still stood perfectly still. I was tired, sad, pissed off, and yet pumped up at the same time. What the hell is wrong with me??

Nothing More I Want. Blake Griffin Fanfic pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now