Milo? Where are you?

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After Happy lost connection With Milo he informed the guys on what just happened. Clay at first was hesitant on rushing off. They still had to worry about the guns and the warehouse. Milo could take care of herself. The guys had to hold back Tig, Jax and Happy when he spoke his mind. After the outburst the guys had rushed to the roadside grave. Tensions were high as they spotted Gemma's car but no bikes. They started looking around the immediate area. 20 minutes of looking Clay sighed. "I got a meeting with Laroy. I need two people with me. Bobby, Tig lets go." Tig looked at him like he was crazy. That was his daughter out there and he wanted him to go to Oakland instead of searching? Chibs stepped up. "We'll call you the second we find her. She's not gonna think less of you brother." Tig groaned. Why couldn't Clay take Chibs? Please Milo forgive him.

Chibs, Happy, and Jax continued to into the woods following the heavy foot prints. From what they can tell there are 4 sets of footprints. 3 of them were bigger. Definitely not Milo. "Why the hell did the lass come all the way out here for?" they walked further into the woods. Happy was in the front like he was on a mission. "My dads roadside grave is back there. She confides in him when she's troubled." they walked for about an hour when Chibs picked up a phone. "I found a phone." Happy snatched it out of his hands. Once they realized it was hers they all called out. Milo, Doll, and Princess echoed throughout the woods.

Off in the distance Milo was stumbling towards the familiar voices. The assholes had shot at her catching her in the arm. She had hoped if she played dead they would leave her. With her luck they did but now she was losing blood and can barely keep herself upright without taking a break every 10 minutes. the voices started getting quieter, she tried calling out for help but couldn't find her voice.

Back with the guys Clay had just called Jax. he needed him and Chibs back at the clubhouse. They needed to plan their move against the Mayans, but Happy refused to leave. This was his fault and he wasn't going to abandon her. Happy agreed to call them when he found her and they made their way back to the road. Trudging through the woods Happy looked around for any signs of life. "Where are you Doll?"

As the night went on the boys have tried to get Happy to head back and continue tomorrow but it was no use. He wasn't gonna get any sleep anyways. The guys made one last attempt before they hit the Mayan warehouse but Happy refused. So as the guys took care of club business Happy was walking through the woods. He heard something behind him. Pulling out his gun he whipped around and there stood Milo. "Milo."

Her voice was hoarse from running all day and she was was exhausted and very dizzy. "Happy...." he pulled her into a hug not aware of her injuries. "Hosp..." she mumbled before collapsing in his arms. He scooped her up into his arms and rushed to his bike. He didn't know how this was gonna work but he had to get her to the hospital.

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