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pink is for sissies,
red, black, white roses are for pussies,
red, black, white condoms, for wussies,
a coward is a man who seals vows with pinkies,
and if anyone gives you a black and blue blow,
or rather, a black and blue bow over your spilt milkz
try not to be pissy and throw a hissy,


shut the fuck up!

i curse ye baneful superego,
treading on the sandy plains of my mind is your army,
wading in the bloody tides of my heart is your navy,
hovering in the compact winds of my soul is your argosy,
an armada gracing an imbrued insignia for autocracy,
aristocratic malarkey adorned with a pint of ambitious lunacy,

you came on the day of my delivery,
claiming bull 'bout being user-friendly,
fooling my entire conscience as an assembly,
licked the film first, then inserted in that pestilent floppy,
now 99.9% counts you to your bitter reign of oligarchy.

you're cancer crawling over my core cautiously,
confusedly but considerately,
superscripting zero onto a million mathematically,
that's the estimate of your delightful bevy of sympathy,
gormandizing gargantuan gobs of my empathy.

that's gonna end today; the forehead of antiquity.

i've retrieved my mace of victory,
it's going to be mine again; my souls' geodesy,
its reality as well as its fantasy,
the finale to all your fallacy,

my resolve is to not anymore be your hussy,
those days are long gone into voided history,
above is me, posing on the chair of Cassiopeia,
blink once, twice, a zillion times but this ain't a fair in fantasia.

i've stripped myself off of society,
behests and baleful bureaucracy,
precepts and poisonous principality,

i'm going to be me and me only,
nobody can tell me otherwise.

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