Chapter 2 Love is in the air

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we eventually reached home. "wow this is where you live" said Michael in shock, i couldn't really understand what the big deal was, i know our house was big, but then so was the houses of everyone i knew it was just normal to me. " yep this is home" i replied  "do you live alone" asked Michael " no I'm only 18 i live with my parents" " she just turned 18 today if you must know" Sarah added in her natural protective tone. " well thanks for walking us home Michael" i said gratefully " call me mick" we are friends now right?" " i guess so" i replied. i started to blush again. " well anyway girls its been a pleasure i suppose i better be off" " yes i suppose you better be" said Sarah in a relieved manner. he strolled back down my driveway with hes hands in hes pockets looking back and smiling, i couldn't help but smile back. i had only just met him yet it felt like we had known each other for a lifetime. as he reached the end of my driveway he turned back. "so when do i get to see you again?" i was a little surprised, i hadn't had a guy show interest in me before. i reached into my handbag and grabbed a pen and my post it pad which i never left home without and started to write down my telephone number. "what are you doing" asked Sarah "have you lost your mind?" it wasn't something i done, giving numbers to strange guys who call out to me in the street, but this felt right. " its OK Sarah don't worry, he probably wont call anyway" i said trying to reassure her. i walked down my driveway towards Michael and placed my number in hes hand "call me" i said softly " i will" he replied leaning over and giving me a peck on my cheek. " oh and happy birthday" he whispered in my ear. i couldn't believe my luck, he was a true gentleman. i felt all warm inside and got goose pimples. " goodnight mick" i turned and walked back up the drive towards Sarah who was waiting by the front door with her hand on her hip like she was posing for the cover of vogue " what?"  "you know what" Sarah replied. as wen entered my house my dad called out from hes study "Deborah is that you?"  "yes dad" he came out of hes study and greeted us in the hall, "have a good night" he asked whilst embracing me tightly. " yes it was great" i replied " well I'm happy that you had a great time and are responsible enough not to have got to drunk" " i kept a close eye on her Mr baker" Sarah stated " i can always rely on you Sarah to keep my princess safe your a good girl thank you" i didn't mention Michael to my dad, i didn't think he would approve not after only knowing him for 10 minutes so me and Sarah kept that between ourselves." OK princess I'm going to finish up in the study and go to bed now you are home" "OK dad IL see you in the morning" mum was already in bed, she never stayed up late, she would say if you want young skin don't waste your money on ageing cream just make sure you get 8-9hrs sleep a night and u will stay beautiful. dad on the other hand was always up and would say i have  much to do, IL sleep when I'm dead, i think Sarah loved my dad as much as i did, we would spend hours together in the games room playing pool and drinking fruit cocktails that my dad would make for us at the mini bar. he was the shoulder you could cry on, he never judged anyone, and always showed sympathy when needed, hes jokes were rubbish but that's what made them so funny he was an all round good guy who everyone adored and loved " lets sleep now" Sarah gasped " I'm so tired" it was getting on for 3;30am so off we went to bed. the next morning was another beautiful day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and Sarah was snoring " Sarah......Sarah......sah wake up" i gently poked her, "lets go out" i said waving my new car keys in front of her face. " please just 10 more Min's" she replied in a sleepy voice. i thought that was fair enough after all it was only 9:30am and we hadn't even been asleep for that long. but i couldn't rest, i was to excited, my shiny new car was just sitting in the garage waiting to be taken for a spin. so i jumped in the shower and got myself together, as i was coming downstairs i could smell the freshly made pancakes with lightly fried tomatoes and eggs coming from the kitchen, " do you want breakfast" my mum called out from the kitchen my mum was a true housewife she practically lived in her kitchen, and when she wasn't in the kitchen she was fluttering around the house like a butterfly dusting and hoovering, our home was spotless, everything had its place, she was so organised and would never moan, unless she thought i was being lazy, she would say a woman's work is never done u either fade into the background or you stand up and be counted. my mum was a strong woman. she had a tough upbringing if you could call it an upbringing, it was more like housewife training, my grandfather worked as a miner and my grandmother was a full time mother and house wife. my mum has two younger brothers so being the oldest and being a girl she was like my grandmothers apprentice. " IL just have one pancake please mum" "just one? your going to waste away if you don't eat properly, ul be no good to anyone if you skinny and weak. mum claimed she was from the school of hard knocks but everything she said was out of love and genuine concern so it was easier just to keep her happy " OK IL have 2 and some egg and tomatoes" i wined "that's more like it" mum said with a smile you know the kind that says mother knows best. i finished off the last of my breakfast then dragged my now overfull belly up the stairs to wake Sarah. as i reached the top of the stairs i heard my phone ringing in my room, i opened the door to no surprise that Sarah was still sound asleep, and reached over Sarah and picked up the phone "hello" "hi is that debs?" "yes who's this" " its Mick" ......i froze i really didn't think he would call, and certainly not this soon " oh hi mick" i answered " did you sleep well?" he asked " yes thank you how about you" " not to good" i didn't know what to say " oh........ right whys that are you OK?" i replied " i couldn't sleep because i was thinking about you all night" ..........."thinking about me?"  "why?" i felt a little confused. " i really like you debs like iv never liked anyone, we just kinda clicked...please tell me you felt the connection too" Sarah started stirring  " mick do you mind if i call you back in a bit" i suggested " why don't you just meet me instead" replied mick " meet you?"....."yea if that's cool, say in about 2hrs by the Deptford anchor?" i was on the spot, i kept looking at Sarah and thinking what she would be saying if she was awake which probably would of been put the phone down. " OK IL meet you" i agreed "great IL see you soon" 

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